PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated
22-23 May, 2019
Accra, GHANA

Labadi Beach Hotel

“Driving Sustainable Development through Innovative Value Chains"

From East to West Africa Cassava & Starch Market is receiving regular investments;

  • Kinazi cassava factory to double exports
    (21 Jan ‘19)
  • Ghana: Us $25m Cassava Starch Processing Factory to Be Established in Nkwanta South
    (13 June ‘18)
  • Tanzania: Cassava Plant Deal Signed in Handeni
    (26 June ’18)

Cassava is popular with Africans with rising consumer demand for cassava as a raw material for bread, starch for industrial output, glucose and sweeteners for confectionaries, chips for animal feed and other applications.

Nigeria and Ghana are currently leading the industry as their cassava production has doubled in 10 years. Key local and commercial players are starting to explore downstream opportunities by establishing processing plants funded by international investors.

In Nigeria, the federal government has dedicated $30 million for the Cassava Ethanol Project at Okeluse in Ondo State.

In Ghana, the Universal Merchant Bank (UMB) is investing S$10.7million in the Central Sugar Company to start a starch manufacturing factory in the Brong-Ahafo Region.

Meanwhile Anheuser-Busch InBev’s (AB InBev’s) plans to spend $250 million on a brewery in Nigeria and $100 million on a brewery in Kenya - that will use cassava and other local raw materials.

4th Cassava & Starch Africa Summit brings together industry stakeholders to discuss innovations in farm mechanization, new cassava processing projects, starch market opportunities, sourcing challenges faced by end users and many more.

The summit gathers cassava & starch stakeholders including plantation owners, researchers, investors & financiers, processors, and end-users. Join them and latest updates on capturing growth opportunities.Key program highlights:
  • C:AVA on business opportunities across the entire cassava value chain.
  • Farm mechanization & post-harvest management by IITA.
  • Psalty Int reviews policies to boost cassava processing markets.
  • Nestle reveals strategic material sourcing plans.
  • Sunbird Bioenergy examines the technical challenges and key solutions in converting cassava into bioethanol.
  • New updates on cassava starch processing plant by GMC Universal.
  • Kogi ADP reveals investment opportunities in Nigeria’s first cassava city.
  • Starch market opportunities & growth prospects by IDH.
  • Crest Agro on potential cassava derivatives & export opportunities.
  • Crown Flour Mill assesses expansion opportunities for High Quality Cassava Flour
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Testimonials from Past Events

“I’m really satisfied. I learn and also find potential partner for USADF grantee to improve their business”

“This conference has been a good knowledge sharing platform. It gathers experts from different cassava subsector”


"I was able to network with bigger player in the cassava processing industry" – DashCrop

“Great conference and good knowledge shared”
Flour Mill of Nigeria

“An eye opener in a huge business potential of cassava”
SARO Agro Industrial