The rapidly developing countries of South, Central and the Caribbeans are experiencing accelerated demand for PET conversion and packaging with their growing affluent middle class income population and consumerism patterns. The growth in demand is seen across the polyester resin sectors including film and sheet. The hike in demand is matched by PET resin imports from Asia, Middle East and North American suppliers. The conference explores and identifies the new applications for the growing demand as well assesses the various supply sources and new capacity expansion projects. Whilst PET growth is steady in the region, there is a growing number of recycling projects. What are the technological demands for recycling PET at its various stages starting from washing the bottles? South America is now a significant importer of PX & PTA. How will the new Petroquimica Suape plant change the trade dynamics? What are the other feedstock projects? Bio- resin is the buzz word in the industry! What are the new developents in this area? SCAPET – last held in Panama city… comes this year to the lovely Colombian city of Cartegena. | Multiple Benefits from the detailed and valuable sessions including... - Are you fully aware of the changing global PET resin trade dynamics and impact for your region ?
- Determine Feedstock capacity and significance for your value chain
- Evaluate Domestic Demand, Projects and Opportunities in key markets like
~ Colombia ~ Peru ~ Argentina ~ Dominican Republic ~ Brazil and others - Forecast Demand/ Supply balance for your strategic plans
- Meet global suppliers and determine your needs and logistics issues
- Latest update and emerging perform technology
- Discuss new developments in bottle to bottle recycling
- Gain insight on next emerging 'hot" or what is cool beverage and food packaging trends
- First hand perspective of key Brand owners sharing their challenges and plans
SCAPET 2013 unveils new trends and developments in PET resin conversion, recycling, bio resin and many more… Do not miss this vital opportunity to network with key and strategic players and leaders in this booming region of the world. |