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09 Nov, 2021

In a recent paperboard industry survey, 90% of the respondents revealed that a product can only considered “sustainable” if it is made from renewable materials, is recyclable and has low carbon footprint.

While food contact and safety of paper and board packaging is key priority for paperboard and fiber-based value chain, ensuring sustainability, functionality (sealability and etc) and recyclability of the barrier coatings on paper/fiber packaging is just as important, and is set to disrupt the entire value chain for the next few years.

Circular economy of packaging aims for full recyclability of materials disposed, and especially the ease of existing paper waste recycling stream is another key requirement.  Not to mention on other high functionality requirements such as shelf life extension to reduce food wastage.
Join us and our expert speakers at CMT's Advanced Biobased & Recyclable Barrier Paper Packaging for Food Contact, at 14:30 CET on 9th November 2021.  The panel will walk you through this evolution, as the paperboard and barrier coatings industry work together to ensure functionality, safety and sustainability from biobased barrier paper packaging for takeaways, fast food, snacks and our daily cuppa. 


- Dr. Thomas Gude, Deputy Head Food/Non-Food Division, SQTS - Swiss Quality Testing Services

- Lon Pschigoda, GM, Western Michigan University – Paper Pilot Plants

- Stanislav E. Solovyov, Senior Research Scientist,
Mantrose Haeuser Co Inc

- Marion Sterner, Head of R and D, Gruppo x di x gruppo s.r.l.

- Kiril Dimitrov, Packaging Expert, Nestle

- Tom Larson, Technology Implementation Manager, FiberLean Technologies

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Comments from previous Sustainable Molded Fiber Packaging for Food Contact virtual meet

I agree the presentations were very good and contained a high level of pertinent information for this Industry
~ Mantrose Haeuser

The content was excellent! ~ Nestle

It was a very productive session we had with the Speakers. Thanks CMT for organizing ~ Parason Machinery

Thanks very much for including us in this great event ~ ecoproducts

Interesting conference! ~ AFRY



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Dr. Thomas Gude
Deputy Head Food/Non-Food Division
SQTS - Swiss Quality Testing Services

Stanislav E. Solovyov
Senior Research Scientist
Mantrose Haeuser Co Inc 

Lon Pschigoda
Western Michigan University
– Paper Pilot Plants

Marion Sterner
Head of R and D
Gruppo x di x gruppo s.r.l.


Kiril Dimitrov
Packaging Expert

Tom Larson
Technology Implementation Manager
FiberLean Technologies