Advancing Packaging EPR,

06 Jul, 2021

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Ramping up EPR to meet EU 2025 Recycling Targets 

Packaging EPR schemes has proven to be a great success in driving a significant increase in recycling rate of packaging waste and achieving the circularity loop. 

Because of this- it is increasingly being implemented, or actively considered, in other parts of the world.

The principle of EPR is that producers pay for the end-of-life management of the product they place on the market.

Today there exist important differences between EPR schemes in different EU member states. One reason for this could be due to the level of control the PROs have at different points in the supply chain.

Packaging producers, brand owners and importers of packaged products into a country need to know what are the EPR fees, and there needs to be transparency on the fees paid such that they are only used to cover the costs associated with packaging collection, sorting and recycling for their packaging types.

Legislations will continue to develop as new recycling technologies are introduced such as chemical recycling.

Can EPR schemes be adapted for the flexible packaging industry ? What are current developments in this area ?

Hear from Joachim as he shares how far EU has come with packaging EPR, what are the guidelines that help struggling member states to introduce this nationally ?

Learn from frontrunner states on how they have aligned with governments, to take the necessary steps, providing financial incentives to companies to move to more recyclable packaging and reach the EU targets by 2025 !


- (Moderator) Joachim Quoden, Managing Director
  EXPRA – Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance
- Dr. Chris Sherrington, Head of Environmental Policy, Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd

- Graham Houlder, Managing Director, CEFLEX             

- Aurelia Leeuw, Public & Regulatory Affairs Manager, FOST Plus   

- Axel Darut, EU & International Affairs Advisor, Citeo

- Amanda Fuso Nerini, Head of International Affairs, CONAI - Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi

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Sign up and pay before June 19th to enjoy Early Bird Discount ! 


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Joachim Quoden
Managing Director
EXPRA – Extended Producer
Responsibility Alliance


Dr. Chris Sherrington
Head of Environmental Policy
Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd 

Graham Houlder
Managing Director

Aurelia Leeuw
Public and Regulatory Affairs Manager


Axel Darut
EU & International Affairs Advisor


Amanda Fuso Nerini
Head of International Affairs
CONAI - Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi