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09 Mar, 2021

Closing the loop with food grade recycled content - Is Chemical Recycling the solution? 

Can advanced/ chemical recycling close the loop with food grade recycled content ?

Until now, recycling plastic has chiefly been mechanical, limiting the scope of plastics that can be recycled and their applications especially for food packaging.

Chemical recycling that produces virgin-like quality plastic has certainly seen many recent breakthroughs in applications with more stringent requirements such as those found in the food packaging industries.

It is noted that chemical recycling technologies require large amounts of energy , clean, homogenous waste streams to produce good quality outputs.

How do you effectively measure and allocate recycled content in plastics packaging for food contact materials ? What are the environmental impacts and unknown purity that could exist ?

In this event, you will receive

•  Regulatory clarity on the recently released European Commission’s Chemicals strategy for
    Sustainability and how it will impact chemical recycling for food contact

•  New developments on mass balance approach to measuring recycled content from chemically
    recycled plastics

•  Closing the loop for food grade packaging solutions from polystyrene, flexible films and many more


-  (Moderator) Jordi Foguet, Managing Director and Co-owner, K-PET Consulting, S.L

-  Dr. Anna Gergely, Director, EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson LLP

-  Paulo Da Silva Lemos, Policy Officer, DG Environment, European Commission

-  Dr. Julien Renvoise, Global Circularity Manager Plastics, Trinseo France S.A.S.

-  Jürgen Priesters, Senior VP - Circular Economy, Tomra Sorting Gmbh

-  Sven Wenigmann, Head of Sustainability & CSR, Sudpack Verpackungen GmbH & Co

-  Ms. Jasmin Beckenbach, Sustainable Development Petrochemicals & Project ChemCycling, BASF SE

-  Shanar Tabrizi, Policy Officer Chemical Recycling & Plastics-to-Fuel, Zero Waste Europe

Email if you require more information and/or wish to register.

Date: 9 Mar 2021



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Jordi Foguet
Managing Director and Co-owner
K-PET Consulting, S.L







Dr. Anna Gergely
Director, EHS Regulatory
Steptoe & Johnson LLP


Paulo Da Silva Lemos
Policy Officer, DG Environment
European Commission


Dr. Julien Renvoise
Global Circularity Manager Plastics
Trinseo France S.A.S.


Jürgen Priesters
Senior VP - Circular Economy
Tomra Sorting Gmbh


Sven Wenigmann
Head of Sustainability & CSR
Sudpack Verpackungen GmbH & Co


Shanar Tabrizi
Policy Officer Chemical Recycling
& Plastics-to-Fuel
Zero Waste Europe


Jasmin Beckenbach
Sustainable Development Petrochemicals
& Project ChemCycling