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24-25 May, 2023

Hilton Porto Gaia

The European Commission’s New Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 on recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods replaces the previous Regulation (EC) No. 282/2008.

What does this new regulation mean for recyclers ? Will it level the playing field and help develop the market for recycled plastics further beyond rPET which is already quite widely used in food packaging today ?

Who will be auditing recyclers outside EU with food grade approval to assure compliance on  origin, collection methods and quality control ?

From 10 July 2023, plastics containing recycled plastic manufactured with a suitable recycling technology may be placed on the market.

What are these suitable technologies ? Where will chemical recycling stand ? Will chemically recycled plastics account towards the targets ?

Beyond PET, it is expected that availability of other types of recycled plastic polymers will increase on the market in the coming years, which will benefit from the EU legal framework now in place for such innovation.

While EFSA is more prevalent in Europe, FDA is more widely used internationally .Obtaining an EFSA positive opinion , the process, including traceability of feedstocks is challenging for some suppliers and is not a requirement of FDA. Many states in the US have different recycled content mandates, and there is a need to  drive market demand and push for harmonisation.

How about the UK ? Will the new EU regulation compel changes in the UK standards ?

Join us in Porto at our 4th Recycled Packaging for Food Contact conference that brings experts in the field to dive deeper into these regulations and the impact it will have on the packaging sector.

The conference will share a half-day session with 23rd GEPET & Polyester (Recycling & Sustainability) conference which will take place on 23-24 May 2023.

More details of that conference can be viewed here:


Key highlights:
  • Analytical challenges and migration test to determine the contamination level of PCR ( paper & plastics) used behind functional barriers

  • Transforming non-food polyesters to food grade quality monomers – potentials of back-to-monomer recycling
  • Accelerating the transition to refillable and reusable packaging in the EU

  • Innovations in food grade rPP and recycled flexible films

  • The Recycled Plastics Regulation 2022/1616: what does this mean for recyclers?

  • Complying with US FDA for food contact materials with focus on packaging with recycled content

  • Food Contact regulations in the UK with respect to recycled    content packaging

And many more

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This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.

Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request.
