PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated
17-19 Jan, 2018
Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM

Eastin Grand Hotel Saigon

Schedule at a Glance

17 Jan 2018 18 Jan 2018 19 Jan 2018

Pre-Conference Site Visit

Asia Pellet Corporation (Wood Pellet Biomass Production) &
Heineken Brewery Vietnam
(Bagasse-Based Electricity Generation)

Combined Session -
Asia Renewables 2018

4th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia Vietnam 
Renewable Power
4th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia Vietnam 
Renewable Power


"Electrify Vietnam – Forward Looking Updates & Prospects!"

Robust industrialization and growth in Vietnam has fueled a surging demand for electricity. Electricity consumption from industrial and residential, is expecting to grow by 8 - 12 percent annually through 2020.  And to meet this demand, additional capacity of 4,000 MW per year, from now through 2020, will be required.


The recent revised Power Master Plan VII (towards 2030) emphasized renewable energy capacity growth in wind, solar and biomass power, with targets to increase the percentage of renewable energy power to 7% percent by 2020 and 10 percent by 2030.


The current policies set to encourage foreign investors in power development with BOT, BOO, and PPP.   To attract more investment from the private sector in developing IPP projects, MOIT and EVN have been working on a roadmap for price increases and gradual elimination of government control. 


However, besides the low electricity prices and relatively lower Feed-in Tariff for wind power, Vietnam’s electricity market poses several challenges to international investors and project developers. The current PPA still falls short of bankability and BOT procedures require clearer guidelines. Juggling against raising equipment cost, much has to be done to attract the foreign investments into Vietnam’s renewable power generation projects.


CMT invites you to attend the Asia Renewables 2018 – Vietnam Renewable Power on 17 – 19 January 2018.  Co-venue with 4th Biomass & BioEnergy Asia, attendees will hear from a carefully selected speakers-panel of key officials, project developers, financing and renewable energy experts, who share insights on projects, prospects, technologies and economics.

Key Highlights

  • Maximum networking benefits over 2.5 days, offering vital face-to-face interaction in key stakeholders and commercial partners in Asia’s & Vietnam’s renewable energy sectors
  • Renewed FDI prospects arising from Master Plan VII & FIT
  • Updates from MOIT & EVN on regulation in electricity markets & ventures in the renewable power space
  • Keep track on RE Investment Hotspots in ASEAN
  • Find out how international companies develops their sustainable RE portfolios through offtop solar and biomass power generation
  • Prospects of Solar PV in Vietnam & Zoom into Rooftop System
  • Adapting & realizing Wind power potential 
  • Investors’ perspective on expanding RE capacity in Vietnam
  • Pre-Conference Day Site Visit to Wood Pellet Biomass Production Facility & Heineken Sustainable Brewery

Register NOW to attend CMT’s Asia Renewables 2018 – Vietnam Renewable Power with your team.  Contact for attractive group discounts.

Separately Bookable Pre-Conference Site Visit

Site Visit to

Asia Pellet Corporation (Wood Pellet Biomass Production) &

Heineken Brewery Vietnam (Bagasse-Based Electricity Generation)

( 17 January 2018, 08:00 - 18:30 hrs. )


08:30  Registration & Depart HCM Hotel for Tan Uyen

Arrive at Asia Pellet Corporation

(presentation, Q&A & guided tour of wood pellet facility)

12:30  Lunch
13:30  Depart for Heineken Vietnam

Arrive at Heineken Brewery Vietnam

(guided visit of the sustainable biomass power plant & Q&A)

17:00  Depart for Hotel
18:30 Arrive at HCM Hotel; End of Site Visit

Comments from last year’s participants


"Excellent Forum to exchange meaningful experience with the people active in the industry."

- Ata Marie Group 


"Good Opportunities to know each other in the renewable power." – Tata Power


"Good Connection and networking with the various stakeholder." – Green Lagoon Technology