제 6회 바이오매스 펠릿 전력 및 무역 사업관련 컨퍼런스
Novotel Seoul Ambassador Gangnam
Once the erection stage was concluded, and the Permitting of the complete installation was achieved, PRODESA began in June with the Commissioning works of the installation. The start-up technicians will be on site for around three months, until the end of September, in order to tune up the installation, and reach the pellet plant nominal capacity.
This 120.000 tons-per-year wood pellet plant is one of the biggest in South East Asia. It will supply high quality pellets to South Korean power plants and other markets.
The project is located in Sarawak, the Malaysian island of Borneo. It is a 120.000 t/y pellet plant, which uses several and diverse biomass residues from the region as raw material.
Cellmark AB, a Swedish multidisciplinary company with its main activity trading of different products; Sarawak Timber Industries Corp, an important local timber organization in the region; and Derasas Jaya SBD a Malaysian machinery trading company are three main actors involved in the investment of the plant, which have created a Joint venture for it. The resulting pellet installation has been named “GPS” (GREEN PELLET SARAWAK).
The pellet plant is designed by PRODESA. In its execution, PRODESA has carefully studied together with the customer how to find the best approach of it with the manufacturing of the main equipment in Europe and some equipment in local workshops.
As stated above PRODESA plans to finish the startup of Malaysian plant at the end of September when the plant will be producing its nominal capacity.
Due to the specific requirements in the operation and maintenance in pellet plants, PRODESA´s Technicians will stay on site during the first two years: one plant manager and one production manager, both highly experienced, will supervise all the tasks and labors of the workers, and at the same time will continue training them. It is usually said that it takes between one and two years for pellet plants to reach their maximal capacity. This is because of the period that it takes for local managers and workers to obtain the required operating and maintenance “know how”. With the help of PRODESA´s supervisors the plant will produce 100% of its production from the beginning, and when after two years these supervisors will leave the installation, local managers and workers will have no problems on obtaining the design pellet plant capacity after two years of continuous training.
In parallel, PRODESA has also finished the engineering stage of another project in the South-east of Asia. It is another pellet production plant, with the same capacity 120.000 t/y and a similar architecture, but this time placed in Vietnam.
03 Sep, 2015
Spanish company PRODESA continues its international expansion with signing an agreement with Portuguese paper company PORTUCEL to collaborate in a new pellet plant project in Greenwood County, SOUTH CAROLINA (USA). The future installation will have a pellet production capacity of 460.000 tons/year. PORTUCEL started working on this project in 2012 and finally, three years later, under the name of “COLOMBO ENERGY” the Portuguese company has reached an agreement with all the suppliers of different lines and has started the site construction. The total project cost is estimated at US$ 110 million.
PRODESA will supply the dry milling and pelletizing island, where 5 hammer mills and 15 pellet mills will be installed. Operation of the plant will begin in the third quarter of 2016. Produced pellet will be of the highest industrial quality (I1) and used for co-combustion in power plants.
Prodesa is participating as exhibitor at CMT's 6th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power summit to be held from the 14-17 September in South Korea.
11 Aug, 2015
-- 제6회 연례 바이오매스 펠렛 트레이드&파워 서밋(Biomass Pellets Trade & Power)이 2015년 9월 14-17일 대한민국 서울에서 개최된다. 본 행사의 주요 주제는 바이오매스 에너지에 대한 중국의 큰 관심, 바이오매스 공급원료 원천 유지에 대한 일본의 도전, 한국의 성숙한 바이오매스 공급 체인, 인도의 미개발 바이오매스 잠재력 등이다.
(서울, 대한민국 2015년 7월 28일 PRNewswire) 바이오매스 수입의 격전지인 중국이 이번 연례 회의의 중심 무대를 차지할 것으로 보인다. Beijing Windbell Technology의 이사 De Li은 '현 상황, 개발, 바이오매스 펠렛 기준(Biomass Pellet Standard), 수입 요건 & 절차'를 주제로 특별 세션을 진행하고, UNDP 프로그램 매니저 Zhang Weidong은 '바이오매스 사용에 대한 규제 정책 발전'에 대한 업데이트 내용을 보고한다. 또한 중국의 주요 바이오매스 발전 기업 Everbright가 주도하는 현재 프로젝트에 대한 보고도 진행될 예정이다.
이와 별도로, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting은 '일본의 바이오매스 시장 개발'에 대한 평가를 제공하고, 인도 정부의 신규 및 재생 에너지국(Ministry of New and Renewable Energy)은 '인도 바이오매스의 동력 & WTE 용량으로의 확장 기회(Scope for Expansion of India's Biomass to Power & WTE Capacity)'에 대한 의견을 공유한다.
CellMark의 영업 매니저 Nguyen Tan의 '베트남 목재 펠렛 공급 개요 & 제품 사양 개발('Wood Pellet Supply Outlook in Vietnam & Product Specification Development)'과 같은 세션으로 바이오매스 공급 측면의 안건을 다루고, Detik Aturan의 전무이사 Md. Arfizal Md Ariffin과 Global Green Synergy의 COO Stephen Lim이 '야자 바이오매스 – PKS, EFB, 야자 펠렛(Palm Biomass -- PKS, EFB, Palm Pellets)'에 대한 수출 시장 전망을 다룰 예정이다.
현재 상황을 고려해, Indufor는 북아시아의 바이오매스 수요에 영향을 미치는 개발에 대해 논하고, 한국남동발전, 한국남부발전, 한국서부발전, 한국동서발전, 한국중부발전으로 구성된 한국전력회사(Korean Power Gencos)
들은 '바이오매스 사용/수요 & 수입 요건에 대한 설명(Biomass Utilisation/Demand & Clarification on Import Requirements)'을 주제로 한 토의에 특별 패널로 참석한다.
기타 주요 세션:
• 한국 바이오매스 시장 트렌드 -- EnerOne
• 북미 목재 펠렛의 아시아 시장 공급. 장점 및 단점 vs. 현 바이오매스 대안 -- RWE Supply & Trading
• 목재 펠렛의 국제 무역 개요 & 유럽과 아시아의 지속가능성 요건 -- Hawkins Wright
• 폐기물/바이오매스를 증기로 구조화하는 프로젝트 & 자금조달 -- EnerOne
가치를 더하는 활동으로, 네덜란드 Energy Research Centre가 주도하는 '다운스트림 전환 과정에서 (바이오-) 매스 조달 전략의 실용적인 효과(Practical Effects of (bio-) mass Procurement Strategies on Downstream Conversion Processes)'에 대한 워크샵과 한국남부발전의 강원도 삼척그린발전소(한국) 현장 방문이 각각 2015년 9월 14일과 17일에 예정돼 있다.
추가 정보는 제6회 연례 바이오매스 펠렛 트레이드 & 파워 웹사이트 를 방문하거나 담당자(Hafizah, +65-6346-9218, hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg)에게 연락한다.
출처: Centre for Management Technology
28 Jul, 2015
【ソウル2015年7月28日PRN=共同通信JBN】中国の大量のバイオマス・エネルギー需要、日本の持続的バイオマス原料供給源への挑戦、韓国の成熟したバイオマス供給チェーン、それにインドの未開発のバイオマスの可能性が9月14-17日にソウルで開催される第6回 Biomass Pellets Trade & Power Summit(バイオマス・ペレット・トレード&パワー・サミット)の中心テーマとなる。
バイオマス輸入のホットスポットである中国は、北京Windbell Technologyディレクターのデ・リ氏による「Current Situation, Developments, Biomass Pellet Standard, Import Requirement & Procedures(現在の状況、開発、バイオマス・ペレット標準、輸入の必要と手続き)」、国連開発計画(UNDP)のザン・ウェイドン・プログラムマネジャーによる「Regulatory Policy Development Biomass Utilization(バイオマス利用における規制政策の発展)」の最新報告、それに中国の大手バイオマス大手企業のEverbrightが所有する現在のプロジェクトに関する検討という呼び物セッションでこの年次会議の中心舞台を占める。
これとは別に「Japan's Biomass Market Development(日本のバイオマス市場の発展 )」に関する評価が三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティングから提供され、インド政府の新・再生可能エネルギー省が「インドのバイオマスの発電、WTE(廃棄物発電)能力向け拡大の余地」についての見解を説明する。
議題はCellMarkのグエン・タン販売マネジャーによる「Wood Pellet Supply Outlook in Vietnam & Product Specification Development(ベトナムにおけるウッドペレット供給の見通しと製品特定開発)」やDetik Aturanのアルフィザル・アリッフィン執行役員(博士)とGlobal Green Synergyのステファン・リムCOOによる「Palm Biomass - PKS, EFB, Palm Pellets(ヤシのバイオマス-PKS、EFB、ヤシのペレット)」での輸出市場見通しなどのセッションでバイオマスの供給サイドにも触れる。
現在の状況を考慮してInduforは北アジアのバイオマス需要に影響を及ぼす状況の発展に対応し、KOSEP、KOSPO、KOWEPO、EWP、KOMIPOで構成する韓国Power Gencosは「バイオマス利用/需要と輸入の必要についての解明」について特別のパネルディスカッションを行う。
*Biomass Market Trend in South Korea(韓国におけるバイオマス市場の傾向)-EnerOne
*Supplying North American Wood Pellets into the Asian Markets. Pros & Cons vs. Current Biomass Alternatives(北米のウッドペレットのアジア市場への供給ー賛否両論対現在のバイオマス代替品)-RWE Supply & Trading
*Global Trade Outlook of Wood Pellets & Sustainability Requirement in Europe &
Asia(ウッドペレットの世界的な取引の見通しと欧州、アジアにおける持続可能性の必要条件)-Hawkins Wright
*Structuring Waste/Biomass-to-Steam Projects & Financing(廃棄物/バイオマスのスチーム・プロジェクト、ファイナンシングへの構造化)-EnerOne
付加価値として、オランダ・エネルギー研究センターが開催する「Practical Effects of (bio-) mass Procurement Strategies on Downstream Conversion Processes(下流コンバージョンプロセスにおける(バイオ)マス調達戦略の実際的効果)」についてのワークショップと江原道(韓国)にある KOSPOのサムチェオク・グリーンパワー・プラントのサイト訪問がそれぞれ2015年9月14日と17日に予定されている。
28 Jul, 2015
--第六届Biomass Pellets Trade & Power峰会由管理技术中心(Centre For Management Technology)承办,将于2015年9月14-17日在首尔召开,主要议题包括中国对生物质能源的巨大需求、日本在维持生物质原料来源上面临的挑战、韩国成熟的生物质供应链以及印度尚未开发的生物质潜能
韩国首尔2015年7月28日电 /美通社/ -- 对生物质进口有巨大需求的中国将成为第六届Biomass Pellets Trade & Power年度大会的焦点。本届峰会的专题分会包括北京永邦科技董事李德主持的“现状、发展、生物质颗粒标准、进口要求和手续”(Current Situation, Developments, Biomass Pellet Standard, Import Requirement & Procedures) 会议、联合国开发计划署 (UNDP) 项目经理张卫东对“生物质利用监管政策发展”(Regulatory Policy Development in Biomass Utilization) 最新进展的介绍以及有关中国主要生物质能源企业光大公司当前项目的评估。
此外,三菱日联咨询公司(Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)将对“日本生物质市场发展情况”进行评估,而印度新能源与可再生能源部将分享有关“印度生物质和废弃物能源转换产能扩大的空间” (Scope for Expansion of India's Biomass to Power & WTE Capacity) 的看法。
本届大会还面向生物质供应商举办了多项分会,包括 CellMark 销售经理 Nguyen Tan 主持的“越南木屑颗粒供应前景展望和产品规格制定”(Wood Pellet Supply Outlook in Vietnam & Product Specification Development) 以及 Detik Aturan 执行董事 Md. Arfizal Md Ariffin 和 Global Green Synergy 首席运营官 Stephen Lim 从出口市场的角度来探讨“棕榈生物质 -- 棕榈壳、空果串、棕榈颗粒”话题。
鉴于目前的市场情况,Indufor将发表有关会影响北亚生物质需求的发展情况的演讲,而韩国五家发电公司,包括韩国东南电力公司(KOSEP)、韩国南方电力公司(KOSPO)、韩国西部电力公司(KOWEPO),韩国东西电力公司(EWP)和韩国中部电力公司 (KOMIPO),将参加以“生物质利用/需求和进口要求介绍”(Biomass Utilisation/Demand & Clarification on Import Requirements)为主题的特别小组讨论会。
• 韩国生物质市场趋势 -- EnerOne
• 将北美木屑颗粒引入亚洲市场。利弊与生物质替代能源 -- RWE Supply & Trading
• 木屑颗粒全球贸易前景展望和欧亚可持续发展需求 -- Hawkins Wright
• 废弃物结构化/生物质制蒸汽项目和融资 -- EnerOne
大会还将于2015年9月14日和17日分别举办由荷兰能源研究中心 (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands) 主持的“(生物)物质采购策略对下游转换工艺的实际影响”(Practical Effects of (bio-) mass Procurement Strategies on Downstream Conversion Processes) 研讨会,以及对韩国南方电力公司位于韩国江原道的绿色发电厂 Sam-Cheok Green Power Plant 的实地参观活动。
详情请访问第六届 Biomass Pellets Trade & Power 网站或联系 Hafizah 女士,电话:+65-6346-9218,电邮:hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg
消息来源 Centre for Management Technology
28 Jul, 2015
South Korea, that has already established several biomass power plants, will construct a new biomass power plant to be fueled by cattle waste. To be located in Hoengseong, a town famous for Korean cattle known as Hanwoo, it will be the first biomass plant to use cattle waste as feedstock.
Korea East-west Power has already signed an MoU with Hoengseong County of Gangwon Province to build the 10MW power plant.
The plant is expected to save approximately 60,000 tons of fuel per year, translating to savings worth 15.8 billion won on energy imports.
Cow dung will be collected, dried and pelletised before it is used as feedstock in the biomass power plant.
The new plant will not only help produce renewable power, it will also solve issues of cattle waste processing, which otherwise is a major contributor to water contamination.
More on biomass power generation projects in South Korea as well as in North Asia will be discussed at 6th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power on 14-17 September, 2015 in Seoul.
Contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.
14 Jul, 2015
Waste to energy company, China Everbright International will construct and operate a biomass power generation project at Nanqiao district of Anhui province in China. The company signed an agreement with the People's Government of Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city earlier this year in this regard.
The project is worth $52m with an agricultural waste and straw processing capacity of approximately 280,000 tons per year.
The facility is equipped with a 130t/h furnace and a 30MW power generator. The plant can generate on-grid electricity of 200,000,000 kWh annually.
In 2014, China Everbright International Ltd. also announced a similar project in Rudong County in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. The Rudong project is estimated at about $1.47 million which will include 29 agricultural waste and straw processing plants, expected to be constructed in several phases.
The Rudong project will have an annual agricultural waste and straw processing capacity of approximately 130,000 metric tons, with an operation period of 30 years.
More biomass power generation projects will be discussed at 6th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power on 14-17 September, 2015 in Seoul.
Contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.
Read more:
China Everbright to construct biomass power generation project in Nanqiao, China
Everbright International announces straw pellet project in China
04 Jun, 2015
North America - a primary wood pellet exporter to Europe and Asia - has witnessed a new record high exports in the third quarter of 2014, following a stable first half of the year. North American wood pellet exports increased manifold to Asia. But the region's export to Europe rose only marginally. This is a new trend, as until 2014 over 95 percent of the wood pellets from the US and Canada were exported to Europe.
In 2014, Canadian exports to Asia grew, with pellet plants in British Columbia shipping record volumes to South Korea during the Q3 of 2014 (reported in the North American Wood Fiber Review).
For six consecutive quarters, export volumes to Asia have registered a more positive trend, marked by increased shipments. In 2015 British Columbia's pellet shipments are likely to remain stable. The province is planning commercial operation at the first of the five announced pellet mills in late 2015 or early 2016 with plans to add over 800,000 tons of pellet capacity in the province during the 2015/16 period. British Colombia is eyeing South Korea as the main target market.
Wood pellets demand and supply trends will be a top focus at CMT's flagship summit - 6th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power on 14-16 September, 2015 in Seoul.
Contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.
23 Mar, 2015