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28 Apr, 2021

Racing against time to Transpose to Single-Use Plastics Directive

Across the globe, many countries are recognising the significant negative environmental and health impacts of single-use plastics and have enacted laws to tackle these items that are the biggest source of marine litter today.

Single-use plastics are made wholly or partly of plastic and are typically intended to be used just once or for a short period of time before they are thrown away.

Europe is on the frontline on the fight against single use plastics litter and approved a pioneering piece of legislation that aims to curb these products from entering the market and subsequently the natural environment.

Most member states have developed and approved their own legislation efforts to assure the to-be-banned products are restricted from the market by July 3rd, 2021.
As the countdown to SUP Ban begins, join the authoritative panel of speakers that will give you a comprehensive update on the SUP legal developments, what are leading countries doing to enforce the ban and how this will impact the plastics industry.
Key Highlights:

•  Status of implementation by the European Commission on the Single-Use Plastics Directive

•  Regulatory landscape and progress on countries leading the way in SUP transposition
     – including France, Germany, United Kingdom

•  An LCA perspective on choosing the best alternative for single use plastics


- (Moderator) Bernard Chase, Plastic Recycling Specialist

- Rachida Semail, Partner, Keller & Heckman LLP

- Axel Darut, EU Affairs & Data Advisor,

- Henriette Schneider, Project Manager - Circular Economy, Environmental Action Germany (DUH)

- Stuart Foster, Chief Executive Officer,

- Agnieszka van Batavia, Packaging Sustainability and Regulatory Advisor,
The LCA Centre

- Victor Bell, US Managing Director, Lorax EPI

Date: 28 April 2021

Email if you require more information and/or wish to register. 


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  • 1 networking room in CMT MEET’s networking lounge, which can host up to 5 attendees at one time
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  • Your logo will appear on the networking room
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Bernard Chase
Plastic Recycling Specialist 


Stuart Foster
Chief Executive Officer


Rachida Semail
Keller & Heckman LLP


Victor Bell
US Managing Director
Lorax EPI


Henriette Schneider
Project Manager - Circular Economy
Environmental Action Germany (DUH)


Agnieszka van Batavia
Packaging Sustainability and Regulatory Advisor
The LCA Centre


Axel Darut
EU & international Affairs Advisor