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07 Sep, 2021
ONSITE at One Farrer Hotel, VIRTUAL

One Farrer Hotel

Accelerating Plant Based Protein Movement in Asia
with better taste & nutrition profile

Of all the alternative protein options that are taking the market by storm , plant-based protein market has gained the bulk of investments, according to data released by The Good Food Institute Asia Pacific.

Last year in 2020, plant based protein recorded USD2.1bil  investments (paired together with plant-based egg and dairy) and USD590mil for fermentation companies, compared to USD360mil for cultivated meat.

The global pandemic has accelerated a shift towards plant proteins that was already gaining steam across Asia Pacific.  An increasing number of Asians are embracing plant-based meats and the Asia Pacific region is set to have the largest share of the plant-based market by 2025.

Although plant-based meats are not actually new in some parts of Asia as old-school soy based mock , tofu have been around for long, the difference  now is that this next generation of plant based meats have reeled in not only vegan and vegetarian fans but also meat-eaters who want to make meaningful changes to their diets !

Many versions of plant based protein are rapidly developing in Asia  - from meat to dairy alternatives . These new innovations will need to know how to broaden the mass market appeal of their product and expand its reach through multiple sales channels.

Further recent developments in fermentation solutions will help plant based innovators come up with healthier and tastier creations.

Attend physically or virtually - CMT’s power packed Sustainable Plant-Based Protein & Fermentation Solutions ASIA and be a part of this exciting race to accelerate PLANT-BASED protein in the region.


  • (Chairman) Yi Ting Loh, Program Manager, Big Idea Ventures
  • Alex Ward, COO, TiNDLE
  • Eugene Wang, Co-Founder & CEO
    Sophie's BioNutrients (Singapore) Pte Ltd
  • Ricky Lin, CEO / Founder, Life3 Biotech Pte Ltd
  • Albrecht Wolfmeyer, Head of the ProVeg Incubator, ProVeg International 
  • Wilfred Feng, Senior Counsel, Dentons
  • Brendan McKeegan, Founder/ Director
    Australian Plant Proteins Pty Ltd
  • Francisco Andre, Global Food Application Manager, Biospringer
  • Dr. Matthew Zhao, Food Scientist
    Big Idea Ventures
  • Angeline Leong, Co-Founder, Angie’s Tempeh
  • Angelique Nicolette Teo, Co-Founder, MAD Foods 
  • Astrid Prajogo, Founder, HaoFood
  • Smith Taweelerdniti, CEO, Lets Plant Meat / Managing Director, Nithi Foods Thailand
  • Liqin Lu, Co-Founder & CFO, You Kuai Group
  • Ronan Moloney, Vice President and General Manager for Food and Meat, Kerry Taste & Nutrition, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa
  • Olivier Drean, Asia Pacific Director, Clextral
  • Eliza Tsun, Sales Manager Pea and New Proteins Greater Asia, Roquette 
For more information contact

In line with latest Government regulation / announcement, all ON-SITE attendees must be fully vaccinated (show of proof required) OR provide a valid negative PET result for the duration of the conference (taken within the last 24 hours & from a MOH-approved COVID-19 test provider)


Supporting Organization

Silver Sponsor

Associate Sponsors 




Yi Ting Loh
Program Manager
Big Idea Ventures


Albrecht Wolfmeyer
Head of the ProVeg Incubator
ProVeg International


Eliza Tsun
Sales Manager Pea and New Proteins Greater Asia


Ronan Moloney
Vice President and General Manager
for Food and Meat
Kerry Taste & Nutrition,
Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa


Olivier Drean
Asia Pacific Director


Alex Ward


Eugene Wang
Co-Founder & CEO
Sophie's BioNutrients (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Ricky Lin
CEO / Founder
Life3 Biotech Pte Ltd


Wilfred Feng
Senior Counsel

Brendan McKeegan
Founder/ Director
Australian Plant Proteins Pty Ltd 

Francisco Andre
Global Food Application Manager

Dr. Matthew Zhao
Food Scientist
Big Idea Ventures

Angeline Leong
Angie’s Tempeh

Angelique Nicolette Teo
MAD Foods

Astrid Prajogo

Smith Taweelerdniti
Lets Plant Meat
Managing Director
Nithi Foods Thailand

Liqin Lu
Co-Founder & CFO
You Kuai Group