Starches are the most predominant and versatile class of ingredient in food manufacturing supply chain due to its abundance, nutritional value and flavor, not to mention inexpensive.
While most starches (and fiber) for food production have been largely derived from cereals, the trend for gluten-free and non-GMO has led to a surge in the use of already mainstreamed starch ingredients from roots and tubers ( tapioca and potato starches). There also has been a sudden growth in the use of starches derived from pulse, legumes and even green banana fruit.
As interest in healthier products, increased protein composition, and cleaner labels increases, natural ingredients and gluten-free options are in high demand.
To meet this, ingredient suppliers are investing in research and development to deliver native starches, flours with better form and functionalities in a growing list of applications.
How to select the right starch for your product and what impact the starch will have on your production process ?
How can ingredient suppliers innovate to meet consumers demand for clean label and sugar reduction ?
Developers striving to remove gluten or looking to achieve a clean, consumer-friendly label may want to consider harnessing the functionality of green banana flour. The “functional fruit” is a starch with a chemical composition similar to waxy corn, i.e., 75-80% long-chain amylopectin and 20-25% amylose.
According to market data - In its starch production processes, the European Starch industry produces 5.2 million tonnes of protein products (2017), including wheat proteins such as vital wheat gluten and wheat gluten feed, corn gluten meal and feed, potato proteins and pea proteins.
Is the EU protein balance a new opportunity for starch producers ?
Will the impending hard Brexit put EU’s starch market under threat ?
CMT’s 4th Starch World EUROPE brings to market a line up of authoritative panel of experts sharing their views and updates on the industry.