PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated
14-17 May, 2018
Tokyo, JAPAN

Tokyo Marriott Hotel

Asia Biomass Markets’ Powerhouse Meet in Tokyo!

Welcome Speech by Renova Inc. Mr Yoshinobu Kusano.

Click here for full video.





All-in Pack 


+ Main Conference  

+ Site Visit  

(14 - 17 May) 

 Main Conference Only  

(15 - 16 May)

Main Conference  

+ Workshop 

(14 - 16 May)

Main Conference  

+ Site Visit 

(15 - 17 May)


(LIMITED seats left!)




(LIMITED seats left!)


^^ Group registration (for 3 or more)     

“Asia’s Wood Pellets & PKS Buyer-Seller Meet in Tokyo”

“Responding to Japan’s Massive Biomass Demand”

“Japan's biomass power capacity seen growing 50% by early 2020s”   ~ 7 Sept 2017, Nikkei Asian Review



“Japan changes biomass subsidies in response to rapid demand growth”   ~25 Jan 2018, Canadian Biomass Magazine



“FGV seeks to increase exports of palm kernel shell to Japan”   ~24 Aug 2017, The Edge Financial Daily



Over 800 biomass power projects, generating more than 16GW, were approved in Japan by last October. Total biomass demand is projected to almost triple from present rates to 23 million tons in 2025. Wood pellet demand will jump from 500,000 tons to 9.5 million tons in 2025.  The Japanese government has since then stopped the issuance of set price Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) subsidies for new application and replaced with a new tendering system.



With current state of domestic supply infrastructure as well as from Canada, USA & SEAsia – this demand growth raises concerns over biomass fuel availability and sustainability.  How will the Japanese buyers strategize and ensure that “sustainability-certified” biomass are sourced on term contracts (wood pellet, wood chips, PKS) to feed this wave of massive requirement?



“Fate of South Korea’s new coal plants rests with its new President”   ~ 31 May 2017, S&P Global Platts


South Korean wood pellet demand expected to rise sharply”   ~12 July, 2017, GWMI



“SY Energy starts up South Korea's largest pellet plant”   ~25 Jul 2017, Argus Media



In South Korea, biomass sourcing competition rose as IPP and biomass conversion capacity in South Korean grew, resulting soaring imports of wood pellet.  Wood pellet demand is also expected to increase, given the rise in new biomass-consuming facilities scheduled to come on line in the next few years. Imports could reach over 2 million tons this year as utilities continue to transition to a broader use of biomass. The volatile REC prices discourage buyers to engage in long-term offtake agreement.  With relatively lenient sustainability criteria, this demand growth has spurred rapid growth in production capacity in Vietnam to satisfy South Korean tenders.



And on a brighter note, biomass power activities are growing in Taiwan, will the domestic agricultural residues be sufficient to feed the boilers?



Register NOW to attend CMT’s 9th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power conference with your team.  Contact for attractive early bird group discounts.




Pre-conference workshop on Biomass Sourcing in Challenging Market to equip you with insights on biomass availability and cost economics;


Post-conference site visit to United Renewable Energy (URE) 20MW biomass power plant at Akita City offering you live experience of biomass utilization in power generation and stock piling facility.


Multiple Benefits to Expand Your Business Leads

  • Maximize networking benefits over 4 days, offering vital face-to-face interaction with buyers and users, power utilities, trading companies, industrial boilers & buyers from Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan
  • Japan’s refreshed FIT + biomass power generation situation thus implication on biomass demand/imports requirement
  • Latest on South Korea’s import outlook & seize opportunities as consumption of wood pellet soars
  • Assess growth of Taiwan’s biomass power 
  • Ensure your firm grounding of Japan’s sustainability criteria for biomass (wood pellet, wood chips, PKS, etc)
  • Biomass availability, investment & sourcing strategies for Asian buyers
  • Evaluate supply and competitive advantage from a cross-regional offerings of wood pellet from Southeast Asia, US, Canada, RFE and Australia
  • Assess the cost efficiency and supply sustainability of PKS & other Oil Palm Biomass
  • Better your supply chain risk management of wood pellets and other biomass offerings
  • Deepen your knowledge on operating IPP biomass power plants

Confirmed Participation from : 
RENOVA Inc. | Sumitomo Corporation
| Indufor Asia Pacific | Hanwha Energy Corp
| Voyage Power | Japan Biomass Power Association
| Nippon Paper Industries | Fuji Keizai
| Renewable Energy Institute | Fibreco
| Pinnacle Renewable Energy | Ata Marie Group | RWE 
| Tohoku Electric | JERA | Tokyo Electric | Chubu Electric
| Hokuriku Electric | Kansai Electric | Chugoku Electric
| Shikoku Electric | Kyuden Mirai Energy
| Orix | Joban Power | Osaka Gas | AS Graanul Invest
| CGN Korea | Maehata Corp | Mitsubishi Corp
| Mitsui OSK Line | Marubeni Corp | Toyota Tsushi Corp
| Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute | Kamisu
| IHI Corp | Gas and Power | Kyushu Electric
| AVP Energy | Asia Resource Partners
| Japan Biomass Industrial Society Network
| Japan Paper Association | Cellmark | Enviva
| Equis BioEnergy KK | GS EPS | Hawkins Wright
| J. Lauritzen | Korea Ratings
| New Forests Asset Management
| NYK Bulk & Projects Carrier
| Pacific BioEnergy | Pinnacle Renewable Energy | Poyry
| Prime Oil | Russia Forest Products | Vision Energy Group
| Idemitsu Kosan | Summit Energy
| United Renewable Energy | eRex | JFE Engineering Corp
| JERA | Daiwa PI Partners | JFE Shoji Trade Corp
| SB Energy | Sumitomo Heavy Industries | JC Service
| Mitsubishi Research Institute | Kawasaki Kinkai Kaisha
| Kobe Steel | Solariant Capital | Zilkha Biomass Energy
| Daiishi Chuo Kisen Kaisha | Daichu Corp
| Kaita Biomass Power, etc




Post-Summit Site Visit to

United Renewable Energy (URE) 20MW Biomass Power Plant
at Akita City, Akita Prefecture

(Utilising 70% wood chips & 30% PKS)


  • Only 10 seats left, register immediately to secure seats 
  • Registration is only confirmed when payment & passport details are submitted to CMT for ticketing purpose 
  • Refund for Cancellation & Replacement will NOT be allowed after air tickets have been purchased 
  • Limited to 40 seats only

It may be necessary for reasons beyond CMT's control to alter the content, timings, dates or venue of an event. CMT will not accept liability for any kind of disruptions or any claims whatsoever and in such circumstances CMT's normal cancellation terms apply.



(schedule subjected to changes,

to be confirmed by 16 April 2018)

06:00 Bus to depart Marriott Shinagawa
07:50 Flight from Tokyo (Haneda) Airport to Akita
08:55 Arrival at Akita Airport; Bus transport to URE
10:00 Presentation + Q&A of URE (20MW dedicated biomass power plant, utilizing domestic unused timber (woodchips) & imported PKS)
11:00 Lunch (Inawiwa-Udon) + Refreshments
12:00 Tour of URE Power plant + PKS stock piling
13:45 End of Site Visit; Bus transport to Akita airport
15:50 Flight from Akita Airport to Tokyo (Haneda)
16:55 Arrival at Tokyo (Haneda) airport; Bus to Marriott Shinagawa
18:00 Arrival at Marriott Shinagawa; End of site visit


【東京2018年3月14日PR Newswire】Centre for Management Technology(CMT)の第9回バイオマス・ペレット会議~貿易と発電~(Biomass Pellets Trade & Power summit)は5月14~17日に東京で再び開催される。会議では、日本と韓国のバイオマスプロジェクト、世界的なペレット取引に関する強力なプレゼンテーション、およびUREバイオマス発電所の視察訪問が行われる。
Poyry、Indufor、J.Lauritzen、Renewable Energy Institute、Pinnacle Renewable Energy、Ata Marie、Korea Ratings、RFP Groupによって掘り下げられた「Biomass Sourcing Strategies in Current Challenging Market(現在の厳しい市場におけるバイオマスソーシング戦略)」をテーマとしたワークショップで開幕するこの2018年サミットは、バイオマスバイヤーおよびサプライヤーが再度集結しビジネスの見通しを話し合う重要な会議である。
バイオマス発電事業者協会(Japan Biomass Power Association)は現在のFIT(固定価格買取制度)政策変更を受け、日本のバイオマス発電( )および輸入見通しの最新情報について講演する予定だ。企業スポンサーとなっている住友商事、レノバはそれぞれ、「Meeting Japan's Need for Biomass (wood pellet, PKS, wood chips)(日本のバイオマス(木質ペレット、PKS(パームヤシ殻)、ウッドチップ)のニーズに応じる)」および「Competitiveness of IPP Biomass Power Generation in Japan(日本におけるIPPバイオマス発電の競合性について)」と題してプレゼンテーションを行う。さらに日本製紙は同社のバイオマス・ベースの発電事業について共有し、NYKバルク・プロジェクトは日本向け木質ペレットおよびPKSの船舶輸送・物流面での懸念を分析する。

プラチナスポンサーであるWood Pellet Association of Canada(WPAC)は今年のサミットでの交流会主催に加え、「Will Canadian Wood Pellet Exporters Abandon Europe in favour of Asia? (カナダの木質ペレット輸出業者はヨーロッパを断念しアジアへ転じるのか?)」との重要問題に関し講演を行う。

バイオマスエネルギーを生産するHanwha Energyは韓国のIPP・混合燃焼プロジェクト( )、木質ペレットの容量および輸入条件に関する情報をシェアする。
  • 台湾のバイオマス発電開発-Prime Oil Chemical Service Corporation 
  • アジア及びヨーロッパでの木質ペレットスポット市場の発展-Voyage Power 
  • バイオマスサプライ市場がどのようにグローバル化しているのか、また、それはアジア・ヨーロッパの木質ペレットバイヤーにとって何を意味するのか-RWE Supply & Trading 
  • 港を通して木質ペレットを取り扱うことについての考察-Fibreco Export 
  • 自由競争の環境で持続可能なバイオマス資源の( )発見に関する課題と解決策-Indufor 
  • パーム油バイオマスの持続可能性の構築について-富士経済 
  • タイからのバガス(サトウキビかす)ペレット-MitrPhol Sugar

メインサミットの締めくくりは、CellMark、Enviva、Russia Forest Products (RFP) Groupからのパネリストによる「Global Supply to North Asia(北アジアへのグローバル供給)」に関するパネル討議である。その後、UREバイオマス発電所への視察訪問で4日間のサミットは終了する。

会議はCentre for Management Technology(CMT)が主催、Envivaが企業スポンサーとして参加。KAHL、Airex Energy、CPM Global Biomass Group、Control Union, Valmetが出展する。

詳細は会議のウェブサイト( )を参照、もしくはMs. Huiyan +65-63469113に電話でお問い合わせを。

Photo -


-- CMT의 제9회 Biomass Pellets Trade & Power, 5월 14~17일에 다시 한 번 도쿄에서 개최
-- 올해 행사에서는 일본과 한국의 강력한 바이오매스 프로젝트 발표, 국제 펠릿 거래 및 URE 바이오매스 발전소 견학 등 기대

(도쿄 2018년 3월 13일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Poyry, Indufor, J. Lauritzen, Renewable Energy Institute, Pinnacle Renewable Energy, Ata Marie, Korea Ratings 및 RFP Group이 촉진하는 'Biomass Sourcing Strategies in Current Challenging Market(도전적인 현 시장에서 바이오매스 소싱 전략)'에 관한 워크숍을 시작으로 막을 올릴 이번 행사는 바이오매스 구매자와 공급자를 다시 연결하고, 사업 전망을 논의할 수 있는 핵심적인 만남의 장이다. 

일본바이오매스발전사업자협회(Japan Biomass Power Association)는 현 FIT 정책 변화에 따라 일본의 바이오매스 발전[ ]과 수입 전망을 업데이트하고자 한다. 후원업체 Sumitomo와 Renova는 각각 '일본의 바이오매스(목재 펠릿, PKS, 목재 칩) 수요 충족'과 '일본 내 IPP 바이오매스 발전의 경쟁력'에 대해 발표할 예정이다. 그뿐만 아니라 일본제지(Nippon Paper Industries)가 바이오매스 기반 발전 사업을 공유하고, NYK 벌크 프로젝트 주식회사(NYK Bulk and Projects Carriers)가 목재 펠릿 및 PKS와 관련된 일본의 선적 및 물류 우려 사항을 분석할 예정이다. 

플래티넘 후원업체인 캐나다 우드펠릿협회(Wood Pellet Association of Canada, WPAC)는 올해 행사에서 네트워킹 리셉션을 개최하는 한편, "캐나다의 목재 펠릿 수출업체가 유럽 대신 아시아를 선택할 것인가?"라는 핵심 질문을 다룬다.

바이오매스 에너지 생산업체인 한화에너지(Hanwha Energy)는 한국의 IPP, 동시 소성 프로젝트[ ], 목재 펠릿 용량과 수입 요건을 소개할 예정이다. 

또한, 올해 행사에서는 다음과 같은 주제의 논의도 진행된다.
  • 대만의 바이오매스 에너지 개발 - Prime Oil Chemical Service Corporation
  • 아시아와 유럽의 목재 펠릿 스팟 시장의 진화 - Voyage Power
  • 바이오매스 공급 시장의 세계화 방식 및 이것이 아시아와 유럽의 목재 펠릿 구매자에게 시사하는 의미 - RWE Supply & Trading
  • 항구를 통한 목재 펠릿 처리 시 고려할 점 - Fibreco Export
  • 경쟁적인 환경에서 지속가능한 바이오매스원[ ]을 찾기 위한 과제와 해결책 - Indufor
  • 기름야자나무 바이오매스를 위한 지속가능성 경로 구축 - Fuji Keizai
  • 태국의 버개스 펠릿 - MitrPhol Sugar
이번 행사는 CellMark, Enviva 및 Russia Forest Products (RFP) Group의 패널리스트들이 주도하는 북아시아를 위한 국제 공급에 관한 마무리 패널로 막을 내릴 예정이다. 행사 4일째에는 URE 바이오매스 발전소 견학이 예정돼 있다.

이번 행사는 Centre for Management Technology가 조직하고, Enviva가 기업 후원사로 합류하며, KAHL, Airex Energy, CPM Global Biomass Group, Control Union, Valmet 같은 전시업체가 참여할 예정이다.

추가 정보는 행사 웹사이트[ ]를 방문하거나 Huiyan(+65 63469113)에 문의한다. 

사진 -

출처: Centre for Management Technology

CMT's 7th Biomass Pellets Trade and Power



“Well organized and informative, value for money” 

- Robert French

“Useful conference with great information about the wood pellet market in this region”

- Incolab Services

“Best biomass event, looking forward to attend annually”

- Hanyang Corporation

“Obtained very valuable information from this conference”

- ATA Marie Group

“Great Value” 

- JFE Engineering

“Good organization, thank you” 

- NYK Line


- Renergy UK Ltd

“Good Organization” 

- Prime Oil Chemical Service Corporation


-Global Forest Partners LP



How you will Benefit from being Connected at
CMT’s 2018 Biomass Series?

Since 2008, CMT’s Biomass series evolved from and into inter-regional biomass trade and supply, biomass power projects, developments in biofuels, biomass use regulations and more. The series traveled across Europe, America and Asia – from Rotterdam to Brussels to Atlanta to Seoul to Jakarta and last year to Tokyo.


Pegged as the ‘Global Biomass Buyer-Supplier Meet’ it has connected over thousands of wood pellet, wood chip and agricultural biomass (e.g. Palm Oil, etc) producers & traders, power utilities, and technology providers.


How Can You Get Connected ? 


BE AN EXHIBITOR – Showcase Your Brands/Products


BE A SPONSOR – Hosting Raise your corporate profile


BE A SPEAKER – Lead & Steer Discussions


BE A DELEGATE – Networking with industry best


Find Out More

For more information and to find out how you can actively participate, please contact me on +65 6346 9113 or email me at


Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive Luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.


Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Contact or (65) 6346 9138






お問い合わせはまたは (65)6346 9138までお願い致します。


There is no better place to enter the market, showcase products, promote your brand, and meet new business partners and distributors. Exhibition Booths are NOW available for booking.

CLICK HERE now for more information & to secure your booth.