Tokyo Marriott Hotel
Welcome Speech by Renova Inc. Mr Yoshinobu Kusano. Click here for full video.
“Japan's biomass power capacity seen growing 50% by early 2020s” ~ 7 Sept 2017, Nikkei Asian Review
“Japan changes biomass subsidies in response to rapid demand growth” ~25 Jan 2018, Canadian Biomass Magazine
“FGV seeks to increase exports of palm kernel shell to Japan” ~24 Aug 2017, The Edge Financial Daily
Over 800 biomass power projects, generating more than 16GW, were approved in Japan by last October. Total biomass demand is projected to almost triple from present rates to 23 million tons in 2025. Wood pellet demand will jump from 500,000 tons to 9.5 million tons in 2025. The Japanese government has since then stopped the issuance of set price Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) subsidies for new application and replaced with a new tendering system.
With current state of domestic supply infrastructure as well as from Canada, USA & SEAsia – this demand growth raises concerns over biomass fuel availability and sustainability. How will the Japanese buyers strategize and ensure that “sustainability-certified” biomass are sourced on term contracts (wood pellet, wood chips, PKS) to feed this wave of massive requirement?
“Fate of South Korea’s new coal plants rests with its new President” ~ 31 May 2017, S&P Global Platts
South Korean wood pellet demand expected to rise sharply” ~12 July, 2017, GWMI
“SY Energy starts up South Korea's largest pellet plant” ~25 Jul 2017, Argus Media
In South Korea, biomass sourcing competition rose as IPP and biomass conversion capacity in South Korean grew, resulting soaring imports of wood pellet. Wood pellet demand is also expected to increase, given the rise in new biomass-consuming facilities scheduled to come on line in the next few years. Imports could reach over 2 million tons this year as utilities continue to transition to a broader use of biomass. The volatile REC prices discourage buyers to engage in long-term offtake agreement. With relatively lenient sustainability criteria, this demand growth has spurred rapid growth in production capacity in Vietnam to satisfy South Korean tenders.
And on a brighter note, biomass power activities are growing in Taiwan, will the domestic agricultural residues be sufficient to feed the boilers?
Register NOW to attend CMT’s 9th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power conference with your team. Contact for attractive early bird group discounts.
Pre-conference workshop on Biomass Sourcing in Challenging Market to equip you with insights on biomass availability and cost economics;
Post-conference site visit to United Renewable Energy (URE) 20MW biomass power plant at Akita City offering you live experience of biomass utilization in power generation and stock piling facility.
Multiple Benefits to Expand Your Business Leads
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Post-Summit Site Visit to United Renewable Energy (URE) 20MW Biomass Power Plant (Utilising 70% wood chips & 30% PKS)
メインサミットの締めくくりは、CellMark、Enviva、Russia Forest Products (RFP) Groupからのパネリストによる「Global Supply to North Asia(北アジアへのグローバル供給)」に関するパネル討議である。その後、UREバイオマス発電所への視察訪問で4日間のサミットは終了する。
会議はCentre for Management Technology(CMT)が主催、Envivaが企業スポンサーとして参加。KAHL、Airex Energy、CPM Global Biomass Group、Control Union, Valmetが出展する。
詳細は会議のウェブサイト( )を参照、もしくはMs. Huiyan +65-63469113に電話でお問い合わせを。
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How you will Benefit from being Connected at CMT’s 2018 Biomass Series? |
Since 2008, CMT’s Biomass series evolved from and into inter-regional biomass trade and supply, biomass power projects, developments in biofuels, biomass use regulations and more. The series traveled across Europe, America and Asia – from Rotterdam to Brussels to Atlanta to Seoul to Jakarta and last year to Tokyo.
Pegged as the ‘Global Biomass Buyer-Supplier Meet’ it has connected over thousands of wood pellet, wood chip and agricultural biomass (e.g. Palm Oil, etc) producers & traders, power utilities, and technology providers.
How Can You Get Connected ?
BE AN EXHIBITOR – Showcase Your Brands/Products
BE A SPONSOR – Hosting Raise your corporate profile
BE A SPEAKER – Lead & Steer Discussions
BE A DELEGATE – Networking with industry best
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This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive Luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.
Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Contact or (65) 6346 9138
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