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04-05 Apr, 2017

Radisson Blu Hotel Abidjan Airport

“Gaining a Foothold in Africa’s Competitive Cement Industry!”


LafargeHolcim Côte d'Ivoire to double capacity in 2017       


CIMAF opens newly constructed cement plant in Ghana

Cote d'Ivoire is rolling out a raft of ambitious infrastructure plans aimed at meeting the government's deadline for achieving emerging economy status by 2020.  In partnership with the private sector, the government will invest in power production, mining, hydrocarbons, infrastructure (roads, ports and airports), the agro-food industry, construction and tourism sectors. Cement players including LafargeHolcim, CIMAF, Dangote, Limak and more are either expanding their capacities  or investing in new unit to meet the expected demand in the coming years. Where else in Africa are seeing similar growth? What is the best strategy to gain a foothold in Africa’s competitive cement market?


Competition is strong in both East & West Africa with growing cement capacities in the region. Who is the ultimate winner? Where are the demand markets with increasing capacities? How soon before these countries become self-sufficient? Senegal being in excess of cement capacities has seen producers exporting the cement to neighboring countries. The government of Senegal has recently implemented a new cement tax of $4.84 per ton of cement on the country’s three cement plants run by Dangote Cement, Ciments du Sahel and Sococim. What impact will it have on the market?


Attend CMT’s 9th Africa Cementrade Summit in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire on 4-5 April 2017 to network with the who’s who in the cement value chain!

  • Ministry of Industry in Cote D’Ivoire is invited to deliver opening address & shares infrastructure plans to propel the economy forward!
  • CIMAF outline investment plans & development in Africa and share their Cote D’Ivoire experience
  • LafargeHolcim provides insights on Africa cement market and shares development in Cote D’Ivoire
  • PPC provides and update on their plans across Africa
  • Savannah Cement shares the changing landscape in East Africa amidst growing competition and provides an update on new cement projects
  • Country focus sessions on Ghana, DR Congo & Nigeria
  • Find out more on innovative financing solutions by AfDB
  • Understand Africa’s changing landscape & construction trends from Deloitte Africa
  • Find out the opportunities and challenges of supplying gypsum from Mauritania to the West African cement industry from SAMIA
  • Meta Group of Companies shed lights on the trading of clinker & cementitious materials in Sub-Sahara & West Africa
  • Gebr Pfeiffer to discuss localized cement production with Pfeiffer ready2grind technology
  • Wacker Chemical shares dry-mix mortar technology
  • Learn the latest on Port development in West Africa to ease congestion & improve efficiency

Sign up with your team today to enjoy group discount! Contact for more information.




Passport holders from the following countries are exempted from Visa formalities in Côte d’Ivoire - Austria (official passport), Benin, Brazil (official passport), Burkina Faso, Cape-Verde, Central Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Chad, Gabon(official passport), Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Iran (official passport), Israel(official passport), Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa (official passport), Togo, Tunisia, Uganda (official passport).


All other countries must apply for Visa.


 Options Available:


1) Biometric Visa - Get biometric visa at nearest Embassy before departure

Apply from and follow the instructions for VISA

CMT strongly recommends pre-arrival application at country of departure.

 - Apply online and get visa atPort Bouet Airport
Apply from and follow the instructions for E-VISA
- Get visa at airport with the required documents

PS; there is no refund of Visa fee if your application is unsuccessful.


Note: It takes 3-5 working days of processing time. Tourist visa does not require Letter of Invitation.  
Business visa application would require a Letter of Invitation from local Company in Côte d’Ivoire or CMT.



Testimonials from 8th Africa Cementrade Summit, March 2016, Kigali, Rwanda


“Very engaging and professionally run”

~ Hima Cement


“It was more than what I expected. Very good”

~ Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda


“Excellent networking experience with a Africa market coverage within two days” ~ Solvochem (EA)


“Cementrade is an excellent platform for interacting with customers locally as well as regionally”

~ FLSmidth


“Informative, well prepared – I learnt a lot with diverse topics” Cimerwa “A good networking platform” ~ Gebr Pfeiffer


“Well organized, informative and an excellent networking experience”  ~ ESL