PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated
16-19 May, 2016
Tokyo, JAPAN

Tokyo Marriott Hotel

EVENT AT A GLANCE – 7th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power (16 – 19 May)

DAY 1 (16 May)

DAY 2 (17 May)

DAY 3 (18 May)

DAY 4 (19 May)



(09:00 – 17:00)


Black Pellets –


Market Development

& User Experience



(English Only)


Pre-Conference Workshop venue: Studio AB, 1F


Lunch venue:
The Garden View, B1F

Main Conference

Day 1

(09:00 – 19:00)


7th Biomass Pellets

Trade & Power


(English & Japanese)


Conference venue: Ballroom North, B1F


Lunch venue: Ballroom South, B1F


Networking Cocktail  venue:
Ballroom Foyer

Main Conference

Day 2

(08:00 – 16:30)


7th Biomass Pellets

Trade & Power


(English & Japanese)


Conference venue: Ballroom North, B1F


Lunch venue: Ballroom South, B1F

Site Visit

(07:00 – 20:00)


Soma Kyodo’s
Shinchi Power Plant

& Biomass Handling Facility


Meet at Tokyo Marriott Hotel Lobby at 6:45am



Asia Biomass Markets’ Powerhouse Meet in Tokyo! Return of the Japan Biomass Power Markets
There is no better place to enter the market, showcase products, promote your brand, and meet new business partners and distributors. Only few exhibition spaces left
- CLICK HERE now for more information & to secure your booth.








Biomass power and pellet consumption is growing rapidly in Japan as the government’s feed-in –tariff (FIT) scheme expanded to include biomass, a vested effort to expand Japan’s renewable power capacity. Over the recent 12 months, biomass throughputs has increased and Japanese utilities and trading companies are getting themselves involved in the renewable spectrum. 


“Coal, Biomass Seek More Equal Footing in Japan Power Generation” 
~ 20 Jan 2016, Bloomberg Business


“IHI Corp. to construct 49MW biomass plant in Japan” ~17 Feb 2016, Bioenergy Insight


“Japan’s wood pellet imports surge”
~ 29 Jan 2016, Argus Media


Biomass demand and import in South Korea has taken a dip with certification and prices posing challenges to international wood pellet exporters. And on the bright side, biomass and wood pellet could be finding new home in China as the country seeks to curb coal emission China, and with that, will the domestic agricultural biomass be sufficient to feed the boilers?


Register NOW to attend CMT’s Japan Biomass Power Markets conference with your team. Contact for attractive group discounts.


Also, NOT TO BE MISSED, Pre-Conference Workshop on Black Pellets, facilitated by ECN & RWE Generation NL, as well as the Post-Conference Site Visit to Soma Kyodo’s Shinchi Power Plant located at Sendai.


Multiple Benefits to Attain Your Business Leads


  • Maximum networking benefits over 4 days, offering direct interaction between the power utilities, trading companies, industrial boilers & buyers from Japan, China and South Korea
  • Assess Japan’s FIT scheme & biomass utilization growth, and corresponding biomass/wood pellet demand expansion
  • Assess domestic biomass availability, volumes and types, in Japan 
  • Realize REAL biomass demand/import capacity
  • Get REAL into black pellets with utility users’ experience
  • Evaluate on cross-regional offerings of wood pellet from Southeast Asia, US and Canada
  • Better your supply chain risk management of wood pellets and other biomass offerings (PKS, Palm Pellets, Black Pellet, etc)
  • Deepen your knowledge on constructing & operating pulverized coal & biomass fired units


19 May, 2016 - Thursday

Post-Conference Site Visit to

Soma Kyodo’s Shinchi Power Plant

(07:00 – 20:00)



Pictures courtesy of Soma Kyodo’s Shinchi Power Plant & Biomass Handling Facility.

Companies Attending 7th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power

Hanwha Corp., Mitsubishi Corp., Soma Kyodo, Tohuko Electric, Sanyo Trading, Nikoy Nigeria, Futenco AG, Russian Timber Group, Enviva, Cellmark, PT Agra Bareksa Indonesia, Sampo Busan, Korindo, Solvay, Marubeni Corp., Andritz, Toyota Tsusho Corp., AS Graanul Invest, GS Global, GPSC, CM Biomass, Altus Renewables, Samsung, Mitsui OSK Lines, Valmet, SCG Trading, An Viet Phat Energy, Indufor Asia Pacific, EnerOne, Gas & Power Co., ECN, Sumitomo Corp, Japan Paper Association, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Oji Holdings Corp., Pinnacle Renewable Energy, FutureMetrics, WPAC, Tipawat Corp., PVN Oil Associates, Asia Resources Partners, IHI Corp., RWE, Lantern Advisory & Investment, Veolia Water, CREIA, Jiangsu Muyang, and many more!


CMT's 5th Biomass Pellets Trade and Power


Japan Biomass Power Market Secure Sustainable Biomass Fuels


by Xinyi Shen

for The Bioenergy International magazine


Japan Biomass Power Market Secure Sustainable Biomass Fuels


by Matt Bovelander,

Senior Consultant,

Bio Solutions, Indufor Asia Pacific






"An excellent place to start knowing about biomass related business"

- PT Adaro Power


"Very helpful and informative for the development of biomass market in Japan"

- Woosam Pte Ltd


"Very useful to get an update on biomass opportunities in Japan in a compact timeframe"

- AKD Softwoods P/L


"Full of valuable market insights and experts in the biomass field"

- Impact Electrons Siam Company Limited


"Excellent first hand information for entering Japanese market"

- BNS Wood Industry Co., Ltd


"It was good experience to see each other"

- JFE Shoji Trade Corporation


"Very informative"

- Sustainable World Energy SL


"Great experience and knowledge"

- An Viet Phat Energy Co., Ltd


"Great melting pot"

- FNI Biofuel Sdn Bhd


Industry News   Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

Japan’s Sumitomo Corp. forms joint venture with Brazil’s Cosan


Japan’s power producers scour forests in search of wood to burn


Coal, Biomass Seek More Equal Footing in Japan Power Generation


Malaysia to produce 100 mln tonnes of solid biomass annually


Veolia secures biomass contracts in Japan


Engie to ship biomass in Japan


Sumitomo to build 50-MW biomass plant in Japan

This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.


Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Contact or
(65) 6346 9138


本会議は、業界をリードする各企業や投資家に活動内容をアピールする絶好の機会です。法人スポンサー、会議参加者対象の昼食会及びカクテルパーティーのスポンサーとしてご参加いただけます。出展者パネルやカタログ掲載もご希望により可能です。お問い合わせは または (65)6346 9138まで。