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01-02 Mar, 2016
Accra, GHANA

Labadi Beach Hotel

Official Opening Address
Hon. Alhaji Mohammed-Muniru Limuna, Minister of Food and Agriculture
Ministry of Food & Agriculture, Ghana


“Roadmap to Increase Cassava Production &
Investments of Higher Value-Added Products”


Cassava’s industrial and commercial application has huge potential in Africa! Cassava-based beers are already available in the market. High quality cassava flour (HQCF) – that can be an affordable partial substitute for wheat flour – has promising value too. Nigeria is likely to use 20% cassava flour into wheat flour that can save the country N163 billion annually and create about 3 million jobs! 


Ghana is the third largest cassava producer in Africa and sixth globally but the country merely uses 0.5% of its annual cassava for industrial purposes. 


“Ghana Minister of Food and Agriculture Fiifi Kwetey said government is considering a policy to use high quality cassava flour in the food industry and government will continue to work with local and international partners in addressing the challenges facing the cassava value chain.”
September 2015,


“Dr Ekwow Spio-Gabrah, Ghana Minister for Trade and Industry, said cassava now held the potential to transform the economy. He said however, that more than 45% of the cassava produced in the country went to waste due to post harvest losses.”
September 2015,


With challenges of low-shelf life of cassava roots, large-scale commercial application is underexplored in Africa. Most of the cassava is wasted because of the huge time gap between production and marketing. Africa’s cassava yield also remains low due to lack of disease-resistant seed varieties and inadequate mechanization.


CMT’s 2nd Cassava World Africa brings together people in plantation business and end users of cassava from food to biofuels to discuss the crop’s market outlook. From food and industrial applications, investment opportunities in the region, value addition, transportation & logistics challenges, industry players will present real business case studies, country-focused sessions, sustainable solutions to increase commercialisation and utilisation and provide answers to:


  • How out-grower scheme can bridge the production and marketing gap?
  • What are the solutions to current supply chain bottlenecks? 
  • How farmers can access improved seed varieties with higher disease-resistance? 
  • How to prevent cassava diseases?  
  • What kind of mechanization is available for farmers?
  • Where to source finances to enhance cassava mechanization and plantation?



Also, do not miss the insights on cassava value-added products from Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania’s key speakers:


  • Caltech Ventures shares HQCF market prospects
  • Allied Atlantic Distilleries highlights their cassava-based ethanol project developments 
  • Nampak Malawi pinpoints the application challenges in using cassava adhesives for the paperboard industry and the economics of it
  • Ghana Industrial Cassava Stakeholders Platform discusses value of cassava starch for the pharmaceutical industry
  • Misenani Agri Services shares experiences of developing a cassava animal feeds system

Register NOW with your team to enjoy group discounts!


Contact for more information.


Separately Bookable

Post-Summit Site Visit to Accra Brewery – SABmiller Subsidiary in Ghana


2 March 2016 | 13:30 – 17:30


Visit the cassava beer bottling plant to see how cassava beer is produced.
Also enjoy refreshments at the
SABmiller pub!



It has met my expectations! Great work!

~ Sajaab Farms


A very good overview of cassava development & evolution in key parts of Africa.

~ Ingredion South Africa


The topics covered were adequate to provide solutions relating to cassava processing.

~ National Breweries


Excellent experience & exchange across the different cassava industries and hurdles to develop the value chain in Africa.

 ~ Bühler


Industry News   Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

Cassava Flour Inclusion Policy: Looking At The Bottom Line


Nigeria to save N163bn from 20% cassava inclusion in wheat


Flour Mills of Nigeria Launches Wheat-Cassava Composite Flour


Kawambwa investor to extract ethanol from cassava


Cassava ethanol plant on cards


Zambia: Local Cassava Firm Seeks Partner


Emergence of cassava revolution in Ghana?


Accra brewery limited inaugurates $100 million plant


Cassava growers in Uganda find market at ethanol plant


Nigeria may lose $2b yearly to cassava viral disease



This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.


Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Sponsor contact or
(65) 6346 9138





Important & Useful link on Ghana Visa Regulations:
Ghana Visa Regulations and Entry Requirements