13th MEAPET (Middle East/Africa PET Conference),

07-08 Mar, 2012 - Istanbul, TURKEY

Elite World Istanbul Hotel

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated




Changing Landscape of the Middle East & Africa PET Industry & Impact on Regional Trade


PET trade flow is looking at major changes with new capacity expansions and imbalances in the supply and demand pattern. Turkey for instance will revert from a net importer to net exporter by the end of 2012 as new investments are set to make the country more self-sufficient. The build-up of new capacities in countries like Oman, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will make the Middle East a major exporter, targeting import markets such as Africa and Europe.


"PET producer and sheet extruder Octal Petrochemicals of Muscat, Oman, is planning an expansion costing more than $200m (€153.5m)."
Dec 2011, Plastics News


"In Saudi Arabia, SABIC has converted its original single line bottle grade PET and three line fibre grade facility to four bottle grade lines totalling 330 ktpa from mid 2009. SABIC has also announced a further 420 ktpa plant (Uhde Inventa-Fischer technology) which could be on-stream by 2013." Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association


"Indorama is moving into Africa with plans for a 75,000 tonnes of solid state polymerisation PET plant at Port Harcourt in Nigeria due to start operating in the last quarter of 2011." May 2011, BPR News

Demand is looking strong for bottle-grade PET. However, PET as substitute for cotton and high feedstock costs will be a perennial challenge for the PET industry and some of the main drivers of PET pricing. Keeping abreast with technology innovations for preform and bottle production to meet customers' acceptance and sustainability concerns are also pivotal for the sector to remain competitive.


CMT's 13th MEAPET is the platform for the entire supply chain of the PET sector to obtain latest market insights and technology trends.



  • Trends in PET pricing and prospects for the Middle East & Africa region
  • New PET projects in Turkey and how will the sector evolve in the near future
  • PX crunch and MEG turmoil: Long term strategic outlook & expected supply/demand dynamics
  • Country focused outlook: Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Egypt, etc.
  • Perspectives from Brand Owners on PET bottling trends and challenges
  • Trends in PET folio for food & non-food applications
  • Market outlook of recycled PET as a commodity resin?
  • Technology updates: MRS extrusion, injection molding, filling/bottling, etc.
  • Logistic competitiveness of Turkey's PET export vis-à-vis other producers
  • Networking opportunity with the entire PET supply chain in one venue!

Confirmed Speakers:

  • PCI PET Packaging Resin & Recycling Ltd
  • Artenius TurkPET
  • SEM Plastik San. ve Tic AS
  • Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea Ltd.
  • Lotus Plastics Ltd.
  • Farmamak Ambalaj Maddeleri ve
  • Zeopol Ltd.
  • Husky Injection Molding Systems SA
  • Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH

Turkey is seeing a transition from being a net importerto exporter as new capacities come on stream in the 3rdquarter of next year. This is expected to impact traditional export markets such as Pakistan, Iran & UAE.How will the PET industry landscape evolve in thecoming year?What new trends and technologies will influence the PET packaging business?


You will network with:
- Feedstock suppliers (PX/PTA/MEG)
- PET resin producers and traders
- Polyester manufacturers
- Polymer/Petrochemical traders
- Converters & preform manufacturers
- Caps & closures manufacturers
- Technology providers
- Recycling companies
- Bottlers/fillers
- Brand owners

Profile of Past Attendees
Profile of Past Attendees
Here's what delegates said about our 12th MEAPET held in Dubai on 14 to 15 March 2011
12th MEAPET Photos


"I valued the wealth of polyester market knowledge and experience displayed in both the presentations, and in the networking with the diverse attendants"
GSI Global Service International


"Good conference with good networking opportunities"


"Quite informative on PET applications, developments,
markets for a raw material suppliers like us"


"Good overview of the PET trend market"
Siad Macchine Impianti Spa


"It was informative and good learning experience"
Engee Enterprises Ltd


"A unique experience where you can be in touch with all the polyester market"


Related articles for your reference and reading pleasure:

Industry News


Judging by the excellent mix of participants coming from key sectors across the industry value chain CMT’s 13th MEAPET (Middle East/Africa PET Conference) taking place in Istanbul next week looks set to be an important industry-networking platform. Here is a breakdown of attendee profile:


Delegate profile


Over 1.5 days, attendees stand to benefit from invaluable and meaningful exchanges with industry’s most influential names and many top executives from around the globe!


Those interested to participate can still register online here or email hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg for details.


28 Feb, 2012


Centre for Management Technology (CMT) – Global PET konferans serilerinin endüstri sağlayıcısı – İstanbul Türkiye’de,  PET sektörünün tüm tedarik zincirleri için PET marketlerinin son trendlerini, Orta Doğu ve Afrika bölgesi fiyatlandırma ve beklentilerini belirlemek amacıyla ayrıcalıklı bir platform olarak bir araya getirilen 13’üncü MEAPET (Orta Doğu/Afrika PET Konferansı) konferansını duyurdu.


07-08 Mart 2012’de gerçekleşecek ve “Orta Doğu ve Afrika PET Endüstrisinin tabiatını değiştirmek & Bölgesel Ticaret üzerindeki etkiler” ana temasıyla, yıllık serilerin 13’üncü yayını, yeni ve yaklaşan PET projeleri ve bu hızlıca gelişen bölgedeki sektörün evrimleşmesiyle ilgili en son bilgileri sunuyor. Bu 1.5 günlük buluşma aynı zamanda hammadde tedarikçileri (PX/PTA/MEG), PET reçine üreticileri ve tedarikçileri, Polyester imalatçıları, Polimer/Petrokimyasal tedarikçileri, Başlık ve kapak imalatçıları,Teknoloji sağlayıcıları, Geri Dönüşüm şirketleri, Şişeleme ve Doldurmacılar, marka sahibi ve daha fazlası gibi en üst seviye yetkilileri bir araya getiriyor.


Bu senenin en dikkat çekici bölümü de Marka sahiplerinin, Trendler ve Yemek sözleşmesi, Su ve İçecek PET Paketlemesi adlı ilham verici açık oturum tartışması. Bu açık oturumu yönetecek olan oturumcular Arma Grubu’ndan,Teknik İşler Direktörü, Bay Panchal M.S ve Erikli Su & Nestle Suları’ndan, Direkt Materyal Alım Yöneticisi, Bay Emrah Guvercinoğlu.


13’üncü MEAPET aynı zamanda aşağıdaki endüstrinin sözü geçen isimlerinin katkılarını da bünyesinde barındırmaktadır:


  • Yavuz Eroglu,Genel Müdür,SEM Plastik San. Ve Tic. A.S. ‘Türkiye’nin PET İhracatında Diğer Üretici Ülkelerle Rekabetçi Gücünün Lojistik ve Stratejik Olarak Karşılaştırılması’

  • David Swift, Kıdemli Danışman, PCI PET Reçine Paketleme & Geri Dönüşüm Ltd. Genişleyen Organik Kapasite ama Bölgeler Arası Azalan Ticaret

  • Orhun Kutevu, Genel Müdür, Artenius TurkPET. Türk PET Reçine üreticileri için Zorluklar & fırsatlar prezentasyonunda Yeni PET reçine projelerini, Hammadde sorunlarını ele alacak.

  • Mrigank Dhanuka, Kurul Başkan Yardımcısı & Yetkili Müdür, Dhunseri Petrochem ve Tea Ltd. Globalleşme: PET işletmelerinin Afrika Kıtasındaki Genişlemesi hakkında ayrıntılar sunacak.

  • George S. West , Direktör, Global MEG Marketleri: İlerideki Kargaşa adlı sunumunda; Kimyasal istihbaratın ‘2012’de talep düzelirse, potansiyel eksikliğin yakın dönem özeti’ ve ‘ beklenen arz ve talebe göre uzun dönem stratejik bakış’ konularına yansıması.

  • Gordon Haire, Kıdemli Danışman, PCI Xylene & Polyester Ltd. PX/PTA sıkıntısı hakkındaki görüşlerini paylaşıyor: 2012/13’te neler beklenmeli.

  • Raymond Asuquo, İdare Müdürü & CEO, Zeopol Ltd, bir ticari reçine olan rPET için bakış açıları ve zorluklar hakkında konuşacak.

  • Yetkin Türken, Bölge Satış Müdürü, S+S Ayırma ve Sıralama Teknoloji Gmbh, PET Geri dönüşümündeki sıralama yöntemi için değer arttırma çözümlerini tartışıyor.

  • Claro Santos, Genel Müdür Yardımcısı / Tesis Müdürü, Lotus Plastic Ltd, Nijerya PET sektöründeki geçiş hakkındaki sunumu- Fırsatlar & Zorluklar.


Bu sayılan sunumların dışında, CMT aynı zamanda Gneuss Kunststofftechnik Gmbh, Farmamak Ambalaj Maddeleri ve Ambalaj Makineleri San. Ve Tic A.S., Parmalat Güney Afrika, Husky Enjeksiyon Döküm Sistemleri Ltd.’yi MEAPET buluşmasında konuşmacı olarak katılımcı olacaklarını garantilemiştir.


Daha fazla bilgi için resmi etkinlik sayfasını  ziyaret edin. Kayıt işlemleri veya konferans ile ilgili bilgi almak için, Hafizah Adam’a (65) 6346 9218 nolu telefondan ulaşabilirsiniz.


03 Feb, 2012


The flake purifier is a contamination separation system developed by S+S to sort PET flakes and used to separate different types of plastics. S+S is one of the leading manufacturers of metal detection and contaminant separation systems, supplying individual machines and complete solutions. PET flakes are separated from PVC flakes or organic material such as PLA . The flake purifier is based on a modular concept in which up to three sensors can be combined. In addition to contamination detection, the flake purifier can also perform color separation and metal separation.


In reference to above,  CMT’s forthcoming 13th MEAPET (Middle East/Africa PET ) on 07-08 Mar, 2012 in Istanbul is pleased to welcome Mr. Yetkin Türken, Area Sales Manager, S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH to share more technology updates in his presentation entitled “ Value Adding Solutions for the Sorting Process in PET Recycling”.


Click here to Request Brochure or Register. For additional information, email Ms Hafizah , hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg


Source : Plastemart


17 Jan, 2012


Octal Petrochemicals in Oman, a global leader in production of packaging material has plans to invest $200m for the development of two PET production sites in 10 hectares at Salalah Free Zone . The facility will start production from May 2012, which will add an additional 527,000 tons of PET bottle grade resin to reach 927,000 tons. The manufacturing plant will comprise of two production lines with a capacity of 750 metric tons per day.


OCTAL's Chairman Sheikh Saad Suhail Bahwan said that additional volumes of resin production will spur the growth of the packaging industry and will encourage markets to migrate from less efficient materials to PET as the preferred clear rigid polymer. This plastic packaging venture will establish OCTAL as a recognized leader in PET and the industry and will place Oman on the world map as a manufacturing and distribution haven. He commented that in less than two decades, global PET bottle sales have dramatically increased from one million tons to more than fifteen million tons. The company aims to meet the increasing demand of PET packaging solutions in European, American and Asian markets and has established a foothold in the lucrative plastic packaging market.


With the above major construction on track,  13th MEAPET (Middle East/Africa PET ) to be held on 07-08 Mar, 2012 in Istanbul is well-timed to provide regional market outlook including demand/supply balance, capacity expansions, price stability and latest trends in the beverage and food packaging sectors.


Conference details are currently being finalized. To reserve seats Pre-Register here or please send your queries to Ms. Hafizah, hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg  


3 Nov, 2011 Constructionweekonline


01 Dec, 2011


A new PET plant was announced end of October 2011, by Koksan PET and Plastic Packaging Industry (KOKSAN) with two planned PET lines with the combined capacity of 432,000 ns/year that will boost its own PET preform exports to 200,000 tons/year .The plant is located in Gaziantep and is anticipated to be ready in the third quarter of 2012 . The growing domestic consumption has limited Turkey’s export availability.  However the widespread investments that are underway will make the region a significant net exporter. The strong demand growth is supplemented by robust export markets. The company is said to meet Turkey’s entire water bottle chips and film sector chips demand through the new plant and plans to supply PET chips to the polyester synthetic yarn industry.


With a new investment in PET planned in Turkey, the country is set for major changes in its trade flow. CMT is pleased to be hosting its 13th MEAPET (Middle East/Africa PET ) to be held on 07-08 Mar, 2012 in Istanbul , Turkey! The conference focuses on insights into the beverage and food packaging markets & trends, Turkish resin producer's perspective on new capacities & trade dynamics, regional market outlook in countries like North Africa, East Africa & GCC and more.


To request a brochure , click here  or one may contact Ms. Hafizah Adam at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or (65) 6346 9218


Read full article here.


15 Nov, 2011