Biomass Pellets Trade Asia,

27-29 Sep, 2010 - Jakarta, INDONESIA

Grand Hyatt Jakarta

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Minister of Forestry, Indonesia



"From Investments, Densification to Transportation"


"Wood pellets have been identified as one of the fastest growing bioenergy feedstock markets, and also one where it is challenging to obtain reliable information."
~ Marek Guizot, UK head of Forest & Wood Supply Strategies, Poyry


Asia is bestowed with abundant agro-biomass resources of forestry/agricultural residues from Palm, Sugar Cane, Rice, Coconut, Wood and emerging Energy Crops such as Jatropha, Miscanthus or Elephant Grass. To date, feed-in tariff for renewable energy has made slow progress in Asia. Only in Thailand, India and the Philippines, where regulatory incentives are implemented, domestically available agro-biomass, such as sugar bagasse, coconut husks and rice husks, is "actively" being collected and used to ease the power shortage and "brown outs". Such green investments provided not only lights to the homes, but also improve the social living condition of the environment and residents. So, can this chain effect be spread to the rest of Asia?


Traditionally, biomass resources were consumed primarily in the region where they were produced, but current trend of large-scale use of biomass energy, coupled with advances in pre-treatment technologies and transportation, is creating a need for international trade. So, can Asia's wood pellets and agro biomass be "harvested" and exported to meet the growing demand in Europe?


CMT's Biomass Pellets Trade Asia is calling for all participants in the value chain of the "biomass to power generation" to come to Jakarta this September to make this "Global Buyers & Asia Sellets Meet" happen. Biomass Pellets Trade Asia aims to provide in-depth clarification on the supply and investment potential of Asia's wood pellets and agricultural residues (biomass), and discussion will be focused to address the following issues:

  • Growth in co-firing & impact on wood pellets' market dynamics
  • Rise of agro biomass & energy crops (Palm Kernel Shells(PKS), Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Rice Husk, Sugar Bagasse, Jatropha, Miscanthus, etc)
  • Pricing, specification & sustainability criteria for biomass
  • Investment & setting up pellets facility in Asia
  • Terminal investment, storage & handling
  • Economics of pretreatment technologies (Pelletizing, Torrefactions, etc)

workshop box 2


Also, the first and not to be missed post conference workshop on Torrefaction Technologies and Economics, conducted by a expert panel providing wide perspective from commercial, technology and end-user (power generation).


site visit box 2


The final highlight of Biomass Pellets Trade Asia will take you to the reality of biomass pellets production, on a guided visit to a industrial wood pellets (EU export specification) and agro biomass production facility. You will have the opportunity to understand the full chain of works and interact with the operational and management personnel.


Be at this exciting event and make trade happen. CMT's Biomass Pellets Trade Asia offers excellent opportunity to network with global players in one venue! Sign up with your team to enjoy group discount. Register online at or email to



You will network with:

Producers, Exporters & Importers of Wood pellets, Wood chips, Palm Kernel Shells (PKS),
Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Rice Husk, Coconut Husk, Sugar Bagasse, Jatropha, Miscanthus;
Utilities, Power, Distributed Power (SPP & IPP); Agriculture/Forestry/Plantation Companies;
Commodity Traders, Brokers & Analysts; Pulp & Paper, Saw Dust & Wood Processing Companies;
Shipping & Brokers (Dry Bulk, Biomass/Pellets); Government/Regulators; Pelletizing Equipment/Technologies;
Biomass Pretreatment Technologies; Trade/Project Financing Institutions; Certification, Specification & Benchmarking;
Biomass/Bio-Power Associations; Emission/CDM Traders; Environmental Engineers & EPC Consultants


Industry News


This is your last chance to register & network with Biomass Pellets Trade Asia's excellent mix of industry attendees from 27 to 29 September in Jakarta.


Already confirmed are various participants from Asia (60%), Australia & New Zealand (6%), and Europe (34%). The key industry breakdown is as follows:


Biomass Pellets Trade Asia Industry Sector

At Biomass Pellets Trade Asia, your networking experience will continue beyond the conference room. On top of 8 hours of dedicated networking time, we are proud to invite you on our specially organized extras:


  • Post conference workshop on “Torrefaction Technologies and Economics”, &
  • “Site visit to wood pellets” production plant near Jakarta.


Click here for the full two-day agenda or email today for information on last minute registrations.


13 Sep, 2010


The last decade has witnessed a change in biomass power generation in Asia, where most of the plants are now designed for multi-fuel operation.


Over the last 10 years, there has been a considerable change in biomass power generation in Asia. Indeed, owing to the scarcity and cost of biomass fuel, most power plants are in fact designed for multi-fuel and unconventional fuels. This creates several challenging issues in combustion and boiler maintenance, demanding improvised combustion technologies, modern fuel preparation and handling systems, for example.


In the last decade, several new approaches to power plant implementation and technology have also been introduced. Despite these challenges, the regional potential for agricultural and wood based multi-fuel biomass power plants is very high and the market is attractive. The highest potential in Asia exists in the sugar sector, followed by palm oil, rice, and wood industries and multi-fuel biomass power plants.


The most common and predominant biomass power plant fuels used in Asia are: bagasse, palm shell, palm fibre, rice husk and wood waste. Apart from these fuels, unconventional materials such as empty fruit bunches, corn cob, cassava rhizome, coffee husk and such like are also increasingly being used.


Source: Renewable Energy, 5 Aug 2010


For more information on Biomass business opportunities in Asia, attend Biomass Pellets Trade Asia on 27-29 September 2010 in Jakarta as invited speaker panel discusses;

  • Growth in co-firing & impact on wood pellets' market dynamics
  • Rise of agro biomass & energy crops (Palm Kernel Shells (PKS), Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Rice Husk, Sugar Bagasse, Jatropha, Miscanthus, etc)
  • Pricing, specification & sustainability criteria for biomass
  • Investment & setting up pellets facility in Asia
  • Terminal investment, storage & handling
  • Economics of pretreatment technologies (Pelletizing, Torrefactions, etc)

Click here for Biomass Pellets Trade Asia full agenda.

30 Aug, 2010


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia needs to tap the full potential of oil palm biomass like empty fruit bunches (EFB), palm fibre, palm kernel shells and palm oil mill effluent (POME) which can be developed into a renewable source of energy as well as high-income generating green products for export, said Plantation Industries and Commodities secretary-general Datuk Wira Ismail Salleh.


Of the total output from the oil palm tree, about 10% is palm oil while 90% is in the form of oil palm biomass which has yet to be fully exploited.


Source from article: Potential of oil palm biomass not fully tapped for export,,Tuesday August 3, 2010


More on rise of oil palm residue for export and power generation, will be addressed by our speakers at Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference from 27 -29 September 2010 in Jakarta. Featured presentation topics include:



-A Waste to Become a New Commodity: Dawn of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) for Power Generation

Presented by :Mr. Michael Wild, CEO
Ebes AG


-Rise of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) for Export from Indonesia?

Presented by :Mr. Dionixius Joko,
PT. Piramida Indotama


-Biomass utilization from Oil Palm and Jatropha Curcas

Presented by :Mr. Tony Liwang, Division Head
PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources & Tech Tbk (SMART)


-Palm Oil Residue as Potential Biomass Source for Power Generation

Presented By: Mr. Jae-pil Song, Branch Head


For updated details about the presentation and full program schedule please click here.


20 Aug, 2010

Indonesia bisa memanfaatkan biomass dari sampah perkotaan, tandan kelapa sawit, sekam padi, ampas tebu, dan potongan kayu yang jumlahnya melimpah untuk mengatasi defisit energi listrik di masa mendatang. Potensi sumber listrik dari biomass itu bisa mencapai 50 ribu megawatt.




Press release di bawah ini menggambarkan peluang biomassa di Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan biomassa untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia, silahkan bergabung dengan panel yang terdiri dari pembicara-pembicara terpandang di Biomass Pellets Trade Asia pada tanggal 27 -29 September 2010 di Jakarta.


Konferensi Perdagangan Pelet Biomassa Asia, akan diadakan 27-29 September di Jakarta, untuk mengeksplorasi potensi investasi dan transportasi teknologi densifikasi pelet biomassa dalam dan dari Asia.


Mengingat peraturan energi terbarukan yang belum jelas di Asia, pasokan biomassa yang melimpah telah menawarkan kesiapan ekspor untuk pasar seperti Thailand, Asia Utara dan di Eropa khususnya, di mana untuk memenuhi target tahun 2020 untuk energi terbarukan, Uni Eropa terhambat oleh kurangnya pasokan biomassa yang berkelanjutan..


Konferensi “Biomass Pellets Trade Asia” akan menitikberatkan pada kesempatan investasi, pertimbangan-pertimbangan penting untuk menyiapkan fasilitas produksi pellet di Asia dan teknologi terkini untuk pretreatment seperti densifikasi untuk mempermudah penanganan logistic dan transportasi biomassa.


Persediaan berlimpah di Asia dari sektor kehutanan/residu pertanian seperti cangkang dan sabut kelapa sawit, bagas tebu, sabut kelapa dan tanaman baru seperti pohon jarak, miskantus (rumput gajah) dll, menambahkan kesiapan sumber daya biomassa yang tersedia. Namun, hanya beberapa negara (Thailand, India dan Filipina) telah memperkenalkan Feed-in Tariff untuk energi terbarukan untuk mendorong penggunaan biomassa.


Para pemain kunci pada teknologii “Biomass to Power” akan bertemu pada Konferensi Perdagangan Pelet Biomassa Asia di Jakarta, Indonesia pada 27-29 September 2010 untuk mendiskusikan di mana, mengapa dan bagaimana sumber daya dari kehutanan dan residu pertanian dapat secara ekonomis dikonversi menjadi pelet biomassa untuk keperluan ekspor.


Akan dibuka secara resmi oleh Bapak Zulkifli Hasan, Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia, konferensi ini akan mencari peluang dalam memanfaatkan konversi 'limbah' menjadi produk energi yang bernilai tambah tinggi. Pada event 2 hari ini akan ada juga kunjungan ke industri pelet kayu (dengan spesifikasi ekspor Uni Eropa) dan fasilitas produksi agro biomassa termasuk sesi komprehensif untuk mengolah biomassa yang akan diekspor ke Eropa serta perkembangan teknologi pra-perawatan/pre-treatment dan transportasi.


Para pakar dari Mitsubishi Corporation, Global Green Synergy Sdn. Bhd, Ebes AG dan para produsen dan eksportir telah diundang untukuntuk berbagi wawasan mereka tentang prospek dan tantangan ekspor biomassa serta kesempatan untuk berinvestasi pada fasilitas kehutanan terpadu untuk menghasilkan pelet.


Sebuah program khusus di konferensi ini adalah “post-conference workshop” tentang teknologi Torrefaction dan keekonomiannaya.Workshop ini dilakukan oleh forum panel yang akan menjelaskan tentang tinjauan komersial, teknologi dan end-user (pembangkit listrik) pada sudut pandang teknologi, nilai investasi, ekonomi dan aplikasi torrefied pellet (bio-batubara).


Untuk mencari informasi lebih lanjut tentang partisipasi dan sponsor & peluang pertukaran media pada Konferensi Perdagangan Pelet Biomassa Asia silahkan mengunjungi dengan segera.

30 Jul, 2010



Drax has called for Britain to increase its support for biomass power generation, arguing that the source was flexible, plentiful and, with government support, could become economical.’ Reuters


‘The government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment incentivises public sector organisations to invest in additional small-scale biomass boilers, but investments in biomass equipment risk failing to meet operational targets as the country’s biomass supply will meet only 5-10% of projected demand by 2014 and large volume imports face significant supply chain risks, the report adds.’ RenewableEnergyFocus



In Europe, high production costs and lack of supplies impede the widespread use of biomass for power generation. Asia, on the other hand, with its rich agricultural resources, is still not as progressive in this aspect. Yet, the two continents are well suited to complement each other’s position. How so?


A Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference, to be held on the 27-28 of September, will explore the possibilities of exporting biomass in Asia to feed Europe’s growing demand. On the agenda are topics such as:


-         Indonesia’s wood pellets – ready for export?

-         Sugar bagasse – managing local usage and export potential

-         Converting empty fruit bunch (EFB) to trade and export-ready product

-         Rise of palm kernel shells (PKS) for export from Indonesia?

-         Obstacles in maximizing Asia’s biomass resources – for power generation or exports?

-         Sugar bagasse for export or domestic power generation in Thailand


Conversely, sessions featuring Europe’s experience and technological prowess are also included in this 1.5 day event in Jakarta. Watch out for the next update for details on Europe related topics and speakers or email for more details.



08 Jul, 2010


"Pelet Kayu telah diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu bahan baku bioenergi pasar paling cepat

berkembang, dan juga salah satu di mana ia menantang untuk memperoleh
informasi yang dapat dipercaya."

~ Marek Guizot, UK head of Forest & Wood Supply Strategies, Poyry

Asia dikaruniai sumber daya biomassa berlimpah agro-kehutanan / residu pertanian dari Palm, Tebu, Beras, Kelapa, Kayu dan Tanaman Energi muncul seperti jarak, miskantus atau Rumput Gajah. Untuk saat ini, feed-in tarif untuk energi terbarukan telah membuat kemajuan yang lambat di Asia. Hanya di Thailand, India dan Filipina, di mana insentif peraturan dilaksanakan, di dalam negeri tersedia agro-biomassa, seperti ampas tebu gula, tempurung kelapa dan sekam padi, adalah "aktif" dikumpulkan dan digunakan untuk mengurangi kekurangan pasokan listrik dan "out cokelat". Investasi hijau seperti penerangan tidak disediakan hanya untuk rumah saja, tetapi juga meningkatkan kondisi kehidupan sosial dan lingkungan penduduk. Jadi, bisakan efek rantai ini akan menyebar ke seluruh Asia?


"Peningkatan permintaan untuk pelet di Eropa dan penurunan biaya pengangkutan
laut telah menciptakan peluang-peluang baru bagi para produsen untuk ekspor pelet
dari Amerika Serikat, Asia Tenggara dan Australia baru-baru ini."

~ Wood pellets - A hot bioenergy source, Poyry


Secara tradisional, sumber daya biomassa dikonsumsi terutama di daerah di mana mereka diproduksi, tapi tren saat ini penggunaan skala besar energi biomassa, digabungkan dengan kemajuan teknologi pra-perawatan dan transportasi, adalah menciptakan kebutuhan untuk perdagangan internasional. Jadi, bisakah pelet kayu Asia dan agro biomassa akan "dipanen" dan diekspor untuk memenuhi permintaan di Eropa?

CMT's Biomass Pellets Trade Asia memanggil semua peserta dalam rantai nilai "biomassa untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik" untuk datang ke Jakarta bulan September untuk melaksanakan "Global Buyers & Asia Sellets Meet ". Biomassa Pelet Asia Perdagangan bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mendalam pada pasokan dan potensi investasi pelet kayu di Asia dan limbah pertanian (biomas), dan diskusi akan difokuskan untuk menangani isu-isu berikut:

Juga, yang tidak akan terlewatkan adalah acara pasca konferensi yaitu Workshop tentang Teknologi Torrefaction dan Ekonomi, yang dilakukan oleh sebuah panel ahli dimana akan memberikan perspektif yang luas secara komersial, teknologi dan pengguna akhir (pembangkit listrik).

Hal yang paling pokok dari Biomass Pellets Trade Asia akan membawa Anda ke realitas produksi pelet biomassa, dalam kunjungan ke industri pelet kayu (memenuhi spesifikasi ekspor ke Uni Eropa) dan fasilitas produksi agro biomassa. Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk memahami keselruhan matarantai pekerjaan dan berinteraksi dengan manajemen personalia dan operasional.

Jadikan acara ini menarik dan dimana terjadi transaksi bisnis. CMT's Biomass Pellets Trade Asia menawarkan kesempatan baik untuk memiliki jaringan dengan pemain global dalam satu wadah! Segera daftarkan dengan tim Anda untuk menikmati diskon grup. Daftar email ke


21 Jun, 2010


A KPMG annual survey on global renewable energy mergers and acquisitions worldwide found that 37% of respondents plan to invest in biomass, 36% plan to invest in solar and 35% in wind energy. Here's the link to the survey, Powering Ahead: 2010 - an outlook for renewable energy M&A.


Survey respondents indicate they prefer biomass plants because of their potential to yield much higher returns than other renewable technologies. 


"A well-executed biomass plant can deliver substantially greater economies of scale than wind, and the heat generated from incineration can supply neighbouring buildings, creating another revenue stream," explained Andy Cox of KPMG.


Large companies, such as the utilities, are looking for the next global trend and biomass looks like it will be the "new wind", he said. 


Source:, 11 June 2010


For more information on Emergence of Agro-Biomass for Export Purpose, join our esteemed panel of speakers at Biomass Pellets Trade Asia on 27 -29 September 2010 in Jakarta, with discussions on;

Click here for latest agenda.

17 Jun, 2010

"Increasing demand for pellets in Europe and decrease in ocean freight costs have created new opportunities for producers to export pellets from the US, South East Asia and recently Australia". Poyry Forestry Industry consulting.


Wood pellets are underpinning the emergence of a new commodities business in biomass. The key driver is bioenergy and Pöyry expects double digit growth in pellet markets over the next five years.


The wood pellet market is immature and the reliability of data on trade, prices, production capacity and actual production varies considerably between countries. Through its study, Pöyry hopes to establish an authoritative base of reliable data and analysis which can be used for strategic decision-making by existing or prospective market participants.


The global wood pellet market is and will continue to be a growth area. The current and future demand for wood pellets is strongly driven by the world's need to develop renewable forms of energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


"The wood pellet market is attractive, but highly complex", said Ania Krolak, the study project manager. "It has attracted a high level of investment from both existing players expanding their operations and newcomers". However she cautioned that there are threats as well as opportunities in this business.


Source from posted on Wednesday, 19 May 2010.


Obtain more insights from Poyry & Poyry Forestry Industry, Indonesia when they deliver 2 key presentations pertaining to Wood Pellets at the Biomass Pellets Trade Asia on 27 -28 Sep, 2010 in Jakarta. The topics that they will address are:



Saku Rantanen, Head of Bioenergy, Asia-Pacific Consulting,Poyry





Tony Wood, President Director, Poyry Forestry Industry, Indonesia


Click here for more information on the rest of speakers and topics line-up for Biomass Pellets Trade Asia .


Those keen to register, or explore sponsorship and media exchange opportunities, can enquire with Ms. Reema Patnaik at  


03 Jun, 2010

Are Biomass residuals from the Palm & Rice Industry
a risky business or a huge opportunity?


Port of Rotterdam ReportIn June 2009, Ewout Kalkman, Sietske Trompert & Rogier Strijbos published an important report for the Amsterdam Research Project (Port of Rotterdam) that addressed the vital question:


Is it possible to utilize Asian biomass to meet growing demand?


Asia’s potential to supply biomass feedstock is well documented, but challenges remain over ensuring continuous supply for an industry that is still dependent on wood-chips and wood pellets.


How can Asia’s top 2 biomass sources, Oil Palm and Rice fill the gaps? Download the paper to find out:

This 77 page in-depth report provides valuable data on the quality and type of Rice and Palm biomass produced and the storage and transportation infrastructure in both countries. The report also shares insightful recommendations for investment decision making, and offers a foretaste of what you can look forward to at the Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference, meeting in Jakarta on 27-28 September. >>Find out more here<<


Want a copy of the paper? Just fill in the form below,
and we will email it to you at no cost!


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By clicking submit you confirm that we have permission to send you our materials to the above email address.

04 May, 2010

Want to know what you can look forward to at the Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference in Jakarta on 24-25 September this year? This useful review of the recently concluded Biomass Power & Trade conference should help. Penned by Conference Chairman, Dr Martin Junginger (pictured left) from Utrecht University and IEA BioEnergy Task 40, the review outlines important information and insights retrieved from the Rotterdam conference. The global meet welcomed top biomass industry decision-makers, regulators and researchers from over 30 countries, and led to the creation of the spin-off conference Biomass Pellets Trade Asia.  




Biomass Power & Trade Conference, Golden Tulip Hotel, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 11-12 2010


The first conference on biomass power & trade was organized by CMT Singapore with support from IEA Bioenergy Task 40 and the Port of Rotterdam. At this conference, biomass industry decision-makers, regulators and researchers from over 30 countries convened in Rotterdam to obtain industry updates and to exchange ideas and explore collaborations with the key stakeholders in the global Biomass industry. An overview of the 160 participants is shown in figure 1:



Figure 1 Overview of participants at the Rotterdam Biopower & Trade conference,


Electricity from solid biomass is expected to play a vital role in achieving the 20% share of renewable energy in the EU by 2020. Despite the huge growth potential, the industry is not without its own set of challenges, key amongst them feedstock supply. The success depends, to a large degree, on the quantity and quality of biomass available, and on the industry's ability to cost-effectively transport, handle and utilize biomass for energy production.


The conference had invited a panel of Biomass Power producers, Biomass producers, Traders, Key European regulators and technology experts to discuss the EU’s pending bioenergy mandates, sustainability issues, certification, global biomass trade, and upcoming technologies.


In one session, a number of large European utilities currently cofiring biomass for power (Essent, Electrabel, and E.On) presented their experiences from the past years and future ambitions. Both Essent and Electrabel are already co-firing (largely-imported) biomass for a number of years, and presented ambitious scenarios for future increase of biomass co-firing for power generation.


In another key session, the possible global supply of solid biomass was discussed with speakers from five continents, providing an overview of biomass use and export potential in Australia, the Baltic States, Brazil, China and Canada. Especially in Australia, the Baltics, and Brazil, the large future potential of dedicated energy crops for exports was highlighted. Based on both demand projections and possible supply, the Port of Rotterdam displayed future scenarios in which the European wood pellet  demand increased to 130 -200 million tonnes, of which roughly 30% could be traded and trans-shipped internationally.


Other topics discussed during both days included the role of pretreatment technologies such as pyrolysis and torrefaction (and how they could facilitate long-distance trade), the financing requirements for international biopower value chains (and how a biotrade equity fund could bring about such investments), and the interaction of biomass and CO2- markets.

On both days the ongoing development of sustainability criteria for solid and liquid biomass was heavily discussed, with two speakers from the European Commission and several experts from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. So far, the European Commission has only defined mandatory sustainability requirements for liquid biomass, and only recommend that individual member countries develop similar voluntary criteria for solid biomass.


One of the remarkable outcomes of the discussions were that the large-scale users and traders of solid biomass largely would support the introduction of EU-wide mandatory sustainability criteria for solid biomass in order to avoid mushrooming of different national systems. 


Figure 2 Roundtable on sustainability criteria and certification systems for solid and liquid biomass


Day two was finalized with a session on bio char, including an overview of the current developments of biochair soil sequestration (as an alternative to energy use), the concomitant environmental challenges in biochar production and soil/water applications, and the possibilities to develop new materials from biomass through hydrothermal carbonization.


Next to the presentations, the conference also provided ample opportunity for networking for the participants, for example during a 2 hour cruise on the Maas river through the port of Rotterdam.

Figure 3 Networking whilst cruising through the Port of Rotterdam


In summary, the conference provided an excellent overview of ongoing developments and future trends in trade and use of solid biomass for electricity production, and highlighted the issues that the industry will have to face in order to further develop this market successfully.



28 Apr, 2010


The Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference is meeting in Jakarta-INDONESIA on 27-28 September 2010. The conference, touted as the “Global Buyers & Asia Sellers Meet” is Asia’s first Biomass conference targeted at Biomass Pellet producers and biomass buyers and consumers from Asia, Europe, Americas and beyond.


This conference comes in response to rapidly growing global demand for Biomass (Agricultural and Forestry Residues, Energy Crops and Wood Pellets). Traditionally, biomass resources were consumed primarily in the region where they were produced, but the current trend of large-scale use of biomass energy, coupled with advances in pre-treatment technologies and transportation, is creating a need for international trade. 


Biomass Pellets Trade Asia will provide essential insights on Biomass Trade, covering the entire value chain for the Biomass commodity from Pretreatment to Transportation. Highlights include:

Biomass Pellets Trade Asia is a spin-off to the successful Biomass Trade & Power conference, which convened Top Biomass industry decision-makers, Regulators and Researchers from over 30 countries in Rotterdam on 10-11 March this year. The conference attracted sponsorship and support from the Port of Rotterdam, IEA BioEnergy Task Force 40 and the Rotterdam Biomass Commodities Network (RBCN).

Those keen to participate in the Biomass Pellets Trade Asia can look forward to:

A Powerful Conference” ~BHC Moerdijk*

... Enlightenment on Biomass~TSCHUDI Shipping*

...Honesty from Speakers & a good mix of participants...~ DONG Energy*

Great Topics, Useful Networking, Business Chances” ~ Eco-Frontier*

An Enjoyable & Beneficial Experience” ~ Green Coal South Africa*

(*Excerpts of Participant Reviews of the Biomass Trade & Power conference)


The Biomass Pellets Trade Asia conference will follow on the success of the Biomass Power & Trade conference, and once again serve as a “...valuable contribution towards realizing the global Biomass market...” (Review from E-ON Climate & Renewables).


Those keen on participating as delegates, media partners and sponsors at the Biomass Pellets Trade Asia can send their enquiries to

26 Apr, 2010


Biomass Pellets Trade Asia touted as the “Global Buyers & Asia Sellers Meet” is Asia’s first Biomass conference targeted at Biomass Pellet producers and biomass buyers and consumers from Asia, Europe, Americas and beyond. Find out more about the 27-28 September conference in Jakarta >>by clicking here<<.

28 Apr, 2010