7th Africa Cementrade Summit,

14-15 Apr, 2015 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sheraton Addis Hotel

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated

Official Opening Address :


H.E Hon. Mr. Mekuria Haile, Minister

Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Construction


Keynote Address :

H.E Hon. Dr. Mebrahtu Meles, State Minister
Ministry of Industry


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"Transformation in Africa's cement market & spotlight on high growth region!"


Many countries in Africa are investing in cement production with the aim to achieve self-sufficiency. Cement & grinding plants are under construction from DR Congo, South Africa, Ghana, Algeria, Mozambique to Kenya, Ethiopia and many more! How will it change the dynamic in the region and trade flow when all the announced projects come on-stream?


African companies are expanding beyond their homeland to boost their earnings. Cement leaders like Dangote Cement, PPC, CIMAF, ARM Cement & etc have several projects operating or under-construction across Africa. What are their plans in the next 5 years and where are the hot spots to focus on? Can the producers compete with cheaper imports from Asia?


Energy cost remains a challenge in Africa and what are the options available for cement producers and new investors? Are consistent & affordable power supply a reality in the very near future?  


CMT’s 7th Africa Cementrade Summit brings together the who’s who in the cement industry in exciting Africa!


Key sessions to look out for includes :

  • Infrastructure and urban development plan in Ethiopia delivered by H.E Hon Mekuria Haile, Minister of Urban Development, Housing and Construction, Ethiopia
  • Dangote cement's growth strategy to 2017 by Devakumar V.G Edwin, Group MD & CEO of Dangote Cement
  • Pradeep Paunrana, CEO of ARM Cement giving their outlook on the business
  • Alfonso Rodriguez, MD of Tanzania Portland Cement Company Ltd (Twiga Cement) shares his views on the possibility of Tanzania becoming a net cement exporter in 2015! 
  • Abut Ozsezikli, GM  of Medcem Global provides insights into theCement demand in Cameroon and further investment plans into West Africa!
  • Bulent Kahyaoglu, General Director of Trading and Fuels Division of HC Trading shares market evaluation on West Africa impacted by Ebola, trading challenges & payment concerns
  • African consumption, market dynamics and its role in global trade to be assessed by Dr. Ing. Joachim Harder, MD of OneStone Consulting  
  • Kephar L.Tande, MD of East African Portland Cement Co. shares the Ready mix concrete & aggregate market outlook in East Africa
  • Ronald Ndegwa, Managing Director of Savannah Cement  joins other panelists to discuss evolving customer requirements and use of innovation to address the same
  • Advancements  in cement packaging  to be delivered by Martin Dalbert, Regional Sales Manager of BEUMER Group
  • Mohammed Sanaobar, Head of Technical Center Dubai, from Wacker Chemicals Middle East to provide an update on Dry Mix Technology  
  • An opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art newly built Dangote Cement’s plant in Ethiopia
  • Many hours of  networking opportunities throughout the event with exhibitors showcasing their products and expertise!

Register online at www.cmtevents.com with your team today to enjoy group discount! Contact angelia@cmtsp.com.sg for more information.



15th April 2015, 13:45 – 18:00 hrs


Optional Site Visit to
Dangote Cement (Ethiopia) PLC


Dangote Cement (Ethiopia) PLC., is a subsidiary of Dangote Group that is based in Lagos, Nigeria. The company is setting up a new 2.5 Million MT per annum cement plant at Oromiya National Regional Government, West Shewa Zone, Ada Berga District, which is 85kms, from Addis Ababa with the capital investment of USD 550 Million.


13:30Gather at Sheraton Addis Hotel lobby
13:45Depart from hotel
15:15Arrive at Dangote Cement (Ethiopia) PLC
15:45Visit Over Land Belt Conveyer (OLBC)  & Cement Plant
16:35Depart for hotel
18:00Arrive back to Sheraton Addis hotel  


Testimonials from 6th Africa Cementrade Summit, March 2014, Lusaka, Zambia

Excellent forum for networking and acquiring market update at a brief

- Solvochem / Mapei


Very informative and a good sharing from the various companies

- PPC Zimbabwe


I could get useful information and good meeting with
others for my business

- Marubeni Cement


A window of looking into cement in Africa

- Union Resources & Engrg Co.


The conference and speakers were of high level

- Cemengal


Excellent networking in a good environment supported by useful presentations

- Holcim Trading  


Interesting and on the spot!

- FLSmidth  


Visa Info for Foreigners

Important & Useful link on:

Ethiopia Visa Regulations and Entry Requirements






Le 7ème sommet Africa CemenTrade à Addis-Abeba, en Ethiopie, rassemble des conférenciers de l'industrie pour partager des idées sur les possibilités de croissance du ciment dans la region.


CMT organisera son événement incontournable, le 7ème sommet Africa CemenTrade à Addis-Abeba, en Ethiopie, les 14 et 15 avril 2015 pour présenter la transformation du marché du ciment en Afrique à la lumière de la hausse des activités de construction et l'extension des capacités du ciment dans cette région qui témoigne une forte croissance.


Le sommet annuel Africa CemenTrade rassemblera à nouveau un éventail de conférenciers de renom de l'industrie du ciment en Afrique, ainsi que les dirigeants mondiaux pour partager un aperçu sur les tendances et les développements actuels, à travers l'Afrique subsaharienne, l'Afrique de l'Est, et concernant le virus Ebola qui a frappé l'Afrique de l'Ouest.


Le sommet de deux jours sera honoré par Son Excellence Hon. M. Mekuria Haile, ministre du Développement Urbain, du Logement et de la Construction, en Ethiopie. M. Mekuria Haile prononcera le discours d'inauguration officiel sur «L'Infrastructure et le Plan de Développement Urbain en Ethiopie». Parmi les conférenciers remarquables et les dirigeants en matière du ciment qui ont participé aux sessions: Devakumar VG Edwin, directeur général et PDG du Groupe Dangote Cement, qui a partagé la stratégie de croissance en matière du Ciment de la société pour l'année 2017, et Kephar L. Tande, directeur général de la société limitée Portland Cement en Afrique de l'Est, qui a fourni à son tour une mise à jour sur les «Perspectives du Marché du Béton Prêt à l'Emploi ou de Granulat en Afrique de l'Est». Entretemps, Medcem Global présentera un document sur les «Perspectives du Marché du Ciment au Cameroun et les Plans d'Investissement en Afrique de l'Ouest». L'autre important producteur de ciment qui est attendu à prononcer un discours lors de l'événement est ARM Cement, tandis que la société limitée Savannah Cement joindra une table ronde abordant le thème «l'Evolution des Besoins des Clients et l'Utilisation de l'Innovation pour adresser ces Besoins".


Outre la programmation d'une visite prévue au site le 15 avril, 2015, à l'usine Dangote Cement (en Ethiopie) nouvellement achevée, le sommet a également comporté les sessions confirmées ci-dessous:

  • Le Marché du Ciment en Éthiopie et les Défis d'Exportation - National Cement Share Company (NCSC)
  • La Consommation Africaine, la Dynamique du Marché et son Rôle dans le Commerce Mondial - OneStone Consulting SL
  • Le Progrès dans l'Emballement du Ciment - BEUMER Group GmbH & Co. KG
  • La Technologie du Mélange d'Ingrédients Secs - Wacker Chemicals Moyen-Orient
  • La Récupération du Marché de l'Afrique de l'Ouest frappée par l'Ebola - HC Trading
  • La Tanzanie - Un Exportateur Net de Ciment en 2015? - La société limitée Portland Cement en Tanzanie (Twiga Cement)
  • Le Financement des Projets de Ciment en Afrique - Standard Bank

Pour consulter le programme complet, vous pouvez visiter le site électronique de l'événement.


Le texte du communiqué issu d'une traduction ne doit d'aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d'origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.


Mlle. Grace Oh, +65 6346 9147




القمة الأفريقية السابعة لتجارة الإسمنت في أديس أبابا في إثيوبيا تجمع أهم الشخصيات في القطاع لمشاركة رؤيتهم حول فرص نمو قطاع الاسمنت في المنطقة


تستضيف شركة "سي إم تي" فعالية القمة الأفريقية السابعة لتجارة الإسمنت الرائدة في أديس أبابا في إثيوبيا يومي 14 و15 أبريل 2015، حيث تعرض التحوّل الحاصل في سوق الإسمنت الأفريقية في ظل نشاطات الانشاءات المتزايدة وتوسعة سعات الإسمنت في هذه المنطقة عالية النمو.


أديس أبابا، إثيوبيا- (بزنيس واير): تجمع القمة السنوية مرة أخرى مجموعة من أشهر المتحدثين من قطاع الإسمنت في أفريقيا مع القادة العالميين في القطاع ليتشاركوا رؤيتهم حول التوجهات الحالية والتطورات الجارية في مناطق أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء وشرق أفريقيا بالإضافة لمنطقة غرب أفريقيا التي يضربها فيروس إيبولا حالياً.


وتتشرف القمة بحضور سعادة السيد ميكوريا هايلي، وزير وزارة التطوير المدني والإسكان والإنشاءات في إثيوبيا، حيث يلقي كلمة الافتتاح الرسمية حول "خطة إثيوبيا للبنية التحتية والتطوير المدني". وتتضمن قائمة أهم المتحدثين وجلساتهم من عمالقة قطاع الاسمنت: السيد ديفاكومار في. جي. إدوين، المدير الإداري والرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة "دانجوت" للإسمنت حيث سيشارك بتقديم "استراتيجية الشركة لتنمية الإسمنت حتى العام 2017"، وكيفار إل. تاندي المدير الإداري لشركة "إيست أفريكان بورتلاند سيمينت" حيث يقدم تحديثاً عن خلائط الخرسانة الجاهزة وتوقعات السوق الإجمالية في شرق أفريقيا. وتقدم شركة "ميدسيم جلوبال" ورقة عمل حول "توقعات سوق الإسمنت في الكاميرون" وخطط الاستثمار في غرب أفريقيا. كما وتشارك شركة "إيه آر إم سيمينت" في هذه الفعالية، فيما تنضم شركة "سافاناه سيمينت" في حلقة نقاش حول متطلبات العملاء المتطورة وتوظيف الإبداع لتحقيق المثل".


ويضم برنامج عمل القمة زيارة موقع منشأة شركة "دانجوت سيمينت" (في إثيوبيا) التي تم الإنتهاء من إنشائها مؤخراً يوم 15 أبريل 2015. كما ويضم برنامج العمل الجلسات التالية المؤكدة:

  • سوق الإسمنت في إثيوبيا وتحديات التصدير- شركة "ناشيونال سيمينت شير" ("إن سي إس سي")
  • الإستهلاك الأفريقي وديناميكية السوق ودوره في التجارة العالمية- شركة "وَن ستور" للاستشارات
  • تطورات تعبئة الإسمنت- مجموعة "بيومير جروب"
  • تقنيات الخلط الجاف- "ووكر كيميكالز ميدل إيست"
  • تعافي سوق غرب أفريقيا المتأثر بفيروس إيبولا- "إتش سي ترايدينج"
  • تنزانيا- مصدّر صافي للإسمنت في العام 2015؟ شركة "تنزانيا بورتلاند سيمينت" ("تويجا سيمينت")
  • تمويل مشاريع الإسمنت في أفريقيا- "ستاندرد بنك"

يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للفعالية للاطلاع على جدول الأعمال الكامل.


إنّ نصّ اللغة الأصلية لهذا البيان هو النسخة الرسمية المعتمدة. أمّا الترجمة فقد قُدّمت للمساعدة فقط، ويجب الرجوع لنصّ اللغة الأصلية الذي يمثّل النسخة الوحيدة ذات التأثير القانوني.


"سي إم تي"
الآنسة جرايس أوه
هاتف: 9147 6346 65+


المصدر: "سي إم تي"


يمكنكم الاطلاع على هذا البيان الصحفي على شبكة الإنترنت عبر الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:


Industry News Who Will You Meet Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!

Kenya's ARM Cement Rolls Out East African Expansion Plans


PPC increases stake in Ethiopia-based cement company to 51%


Dangote Cement starts production in South Africa; next Senegal, Ethiopia


Nairobi-based Savannah Cement To Ramp Up East Africa Production


BASF opens new admixtures plant in Kenyan capital


Lafarge rolls out sub-Saharan expansion plan

Senior executives / traders from international / regional cement companies, ready-mix concrete companies, pre-cast & building materials companies, cement raw materials suppliers (slag, fly ash, steel, coal), construction / infrastructure / building / equity / research analysts, project financiers / banks, engineering, environmental & CDM consultants, technology & equipment providers, logistics & shipping companies (dry bulk and cement carriers).

This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players and investors in the industry. Sponsorship opportunities available include Corporate, Exclusive luncheon & Cocktail sponsor.


Exhibition / catalogue display can be arranged upon request. Contact fiona@cmtsp.com.sg or (65) 6346 9138

Industry News


German cement producer, HeidelbergCement AG, is planning to expand into South Africa and Mozambique with new cement production capacities in these two countries.


The world's third-biggest cement maker sees Africa as an important market as there is stable growth in demand for cement in the last few years - demand increasing at approximately 5 million metric tons per year.


The German company has recently opened a $50 million grinding plant in the West African country - Ouagadougou that will produce 700,000 metric tons of cement per year. The new capacity expansion in Burkina Faso will help Heidelberg's annual capacity in Africa to about 10 million tons. Heidelberg is also building a $300 million clinker facility in Togo that will help with raw material supply to the Burkina Faso grinding plant.


HeidelbergCement has cement production capacity in Ghana, Benin, Liberia, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Togo and Democratic Republic of Congo.


Apart from Heidelberg, many cement manufacturers have targeted the high cement demand in Africa. Nigeria's cement major - Dangote Cement Plc is the continent's biggest producer of the building material. Dangote has ambitious plans of expanding operations into 14 African countries apart from its stronghold on the home market - Nigeria. It has plans of investing about $4 billion to boost capacity to 50 million tons by the end of 2015.


Meanwhile, in South Africa, PPC Ltd. and AfriSam are aiming to merge the country's two biggest cement makers in order to boost expansion in the region.


7th Africa CemenTrade Summit on 14-15 April, 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia will feature several discussions led by cement majors like - HeidelbergCement AG, Dangote Cement Plc, Tanzania Portland Cement Company Ltd (Twiga Cement), East African Portland Cement Co Ltd, Savannah Cement Ltd, ARM Cement and many others.


Contact Ms. Grace at grace@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9147 for more details.



30 Mar, 2015


Nairobi based cement manufacturer Savannah Cement is aiming to capture the demand in East African countries in 2015. It is encouraging development projects worth $300 million there.


Savannah has current installed production capacity of approximately 1.5 million metric tonnes to meet the regional demand.


The cement manufacturer is already doing brisk business in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan.


While in Tanzania, Savannah has engaged dealers in Arusha and Mwanza to cover the country's inland cement demand, it also plans to bring in dealers in Rwanda and Burundi. Rwanda and Burundi's economies are doing well and Savannah plans to capture its demand.


The manufacturer plans to start a clinker manufacturing facility and commission its second grinding plant. It has also invested more than $100 million to develop advanced and eco-friendly cement-making plants in sub-Saharan Africa.


More on Africa's booming cement market will be shared at CMT's mega event - 7th Africa CemenTrade Summit on 14-15 April, 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Contact Ms. Grace at grace@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9147 for more details.



26 Feb, 2015


Dangote Cement is on a major expansion spree outside of Nigeria. The cement major is keen on tapping the extensive infrastructure growth in Africa and has already invested more than $5 billion in projects in various parts of the continent.


Most recently, Dangote has started production at its $600 million plant in South Africa, that will produce 2.2 million tons of cement annually.


The cement giant has also plans to commence production at its Senegal and Ethiopia plants soon, while its cement factory in Sierra Leone will be able to start operations once the Ebola crisis in the country is abated.


The cement major has more projects lined up in Cameroon, Kenya and Niger and is coming up with a plant in Zambia. The company has already applied for a licence to build a 75 MW coal fired electricity plant to power its Zambia plant.


Dangote Cement is estimated to earmark $1.4 billion this year in capital spending, but the company will bring down the figure to $700 million in 2015.


More on Africa's booming cement market will be shared at CMT's mega event - 7th Africa CemenTrade Summit on 14-15 April, 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Contact Ms. Grace at grace@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9147 for more details.



02 Feb, 2015