5th Africa CemenTrade,

26-27 Feb, 2013 - Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA

Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, The Kilimanjaro

PLEASE CLICK HERE to view upcoming event. Information here is outdated


"Strategies to Grow Your African Cement Portfolio in an
Increasingly Competitive Markets!"



Opening Address :
H.E Dr. Abdallah O. Kigoda, Minister
Ministry of Industry & Trade, Tanzania



Cement consumption in the East African region is driven by rising middle income and various infrastructure and housing projects. It is estimated that cement consumption in the region has been growing at close to 14% over the last decade and will continue to grow at 8%, with capacities reaching 14.4 m ton by 2017.


"The planned cement plant, owned by Dangote, is expected to put an additional 1.5 million tonnes of capacity by 2015, which will plug Tanzania's cement deficit.Dangote's cement factory in Southern Tanzania will be commissioned within one year of the launch of ARM's factory in Tanga, expected in August 2013"

13/11/12, www.businessdailyafrica.com


"Chinese majority owned Savannah Cement has started production, becoming the latest entrant into the local cement business. The Athi River-based company says it has invested Sh8.5 billion to put up the company and the export market will be its key target."
1 Sept 2012, www.standardmedia.co.ke


"Cimenfort Industrial, part of the Genea Group, has inaugurated its 720 000 t cement plant in Angola. Plans are afoot to increase the plant's construction capacity to 1 million t by 2013."


New players are jostling for a share of these booming market with imports as well as expansion of cement production capacities. Cement players are looking into innovative strategy and plans to stay ahead in this increasingly competitive environment!


"Secil Ibito has announced that it will be constructing a second cement plant in Angola to move domestic supply closer to the country's ever-growing demands. The proposed plant is expected to increase the above figure to 1.8 million tpa. It is estimated that the overall demand of the country is 4 5 million tpa"

7/12/12, www.reportlinker-news.com


Cement demand in South African region including Angola, Mozambique are also ramping up production to meeting growing demand. Infrastructure and housing project in less developed region like DR Congo and Southern Sudan are driving cement growth, benefiting East African producers. Will Nigeria's expanding capacity bring self -sufficiency to the market and plug the gap in West Africa?


With high energy cost and poor logistics infrastructure in inland market, what are the governments' plan to address these constraints? Mr. Zelalem Gebrehiwot of Eastern Africa Power Pool Permanent Secretariat will be sharing the POWER INFRASTRUCTURE MASTERPLAN IN EAST AFRICA while Mr. Philip Wambugu of East African Community will be providing insights on the DEVELOPMENT OF PORTS, ROAD & RAIL NETWORK IN EAST AFRICA.


CMT's 5th Africa Cementrade Summit is THE event NOT to be missed! Key industry professionals will be addressing burning issues of interest to all who want to gain a share in the booming Africa market!

  • Hon. H.E Dr. Abdallah O.Kigoda, Minister of Industry & trade in Tanzania will be delivering the opening address
  • Tanzania Portland Cement will be provide updates on the development in Tanzania
  • Dangote Cement will share their plans and challenges in growing their cement business
  • Baobab Advisory aims to equipped investors with know-how to get ahead in an increasingly competitive cement industry
  • Ocean Shipping Consultants will provide forecast on the global cement/clinker trade and dry bulk shipping outlook
  • Cimenfort, Derba Midroc Cement, Asec Trading & Ethalion Ltd will speak on countries focused session on Angola, Ethiopia, Egypt, East & South Africarespectively
  • IFC to provide innovative project finance solutions
  • Aumund Group, BEUMER Maschinenfabrik & Gebr Pfeiffer will be sharing technical solutions for cement plant operations.
  • BASF to update on development in cement additives in Africa and technology innovations

Don't hesitate! Sign up with your team at www.cmtevents.com to enjoy group discount! Contact angelia@cmtsp.com.sg for more information.


Confirmed Speakers :


- Dangote Cement PLC
- Tanzania Portland Cement Company Ltd
- AUMUND Group
- Gebr. Pfeiffer

- Asec Trading

- Baobab Advisory SARL
- Royal HaskoningDHV
- East African Community

- BEUMER Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

- Eastern Africa Power Pool Permanent Secretariat

- Ethalion Limited

- Derba Midroc Cement

- Lafarge East Africa



Testimonials from
2012 event in Acrra, Ghana


"Great speakers, close meetings, superb hospitality" ~ Secil


"Good Value" ~ Ghacem Ltd


"Excellent insights into regional cement markets & the dynamics" ~ Thermax


"Very Interesting"~ Argos


"Good opportunity to network in the cement world"~ Mondi


"First class communications" ~ Aumund


"Informative!"~ Polysius


"Good meeting of cement producers and equipment suppliers" ~ CPB




Who Should Attend


Senior executives/traders from

- international/regional cement companies,

- ready-mix concrete companies,

- pre-cast & building materials companies,

- cement raw materials suppliers
(slag, fly ash, steel, coal),


- construction/infrastructure/building/
equity/research analysts,


- project financiers/banks,


- engineering, environmental & CDM consultants,


- technology & equipment providers,

- logistics & shipping companies
(dry bulk and cement carriers).




Be a Sponsor or Exhibitor!


This event is an excellent platform to promote your organization to influential players & investors in the industry.


Talk to us for a customized Sponsorship or to book your Exhibition space now!

Contact Nisha@cmtsp.com.sg
or (65) 6346 9130


Industry News


The manufacturing sector in Tanzania remains optimistic as more effort will be put into ensuring minimal power interruption.


The statistics from Tanzania Electric Supply Limited (TANESCO) has proven the manufacturing sector to be the main user of total power generated at over 60%. Chairman of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI), Mr. Felix Mosha, emphasized,


“Since over half of total power output goes to manufacturing sector, any little interruption results in massive losses.”


Mr. Mosha highlighted that “there should be sustainable investment into the energy sector” as electricity generation and the manufacturing sector’s production have observed direct correlation. This is especially important as the manufacturing sector’s contribution to economic growth is expected to increase and will remain as a value added sector to the country’s GDP.


An overall increase in energy generation is expected in Tanzania in the next few years, facilitated by upcoming power projects and infrastructure developments.


Mr. Zelalam Gebrehiwot, Technical Assistant to the Executive Secretary at the Eastern Africa Power Pool Permanent Secretariat, will elaborate on East Africa’s power infrastructure masterplan at the 5th Africa CemenTrade Summit in Dar es Salaam on 26-27 February.


For a full list of speakers and program line-up, please view the event agenda or contact Ms. Angelia at angelia@cmtsp.com.sg or Tel. 65 6345 5701.



Read more:

Tanzania: Manufacturers upbeat on power supply

21 Feb, 2013


DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzanie -- (BUSINESS WIRE)—L’intérêt croissant envers l’infrastructure urbaine et rurale est le moteur de l’industrie africaine du ciment qui attire un nombre grandissant d’investissements et bénéficie de la confiance de l’investisseur international. Partant de cela, le 5ème Sommet « Africa CemenTrade » de la CMT qui aura lieu à Dar es Salaam le 26 et le 27 Janvier, réunira des hauts responsables, des cadres supérieurs et des experts des secteurs, local et international, du ciment pour relever les défis auxquels font face, le marché le commerce et l’investissement et qui sont susceptibles de changer l’avenir de l’industrie du ciment en Afrique.


Son Excellence Dr. Abdallah O. Kigoda, ministre de l’industrie et du commence, inaugurera l’évènement avec un discours portant sur l’investissement et l’environnement concurrentiel du ciment en Tanzanie.


Mr. Pascal Lesoinne, directeur général de la Tanzania Portland Cement Company, prendra la relève et présentera sa vision sur les projections émergentes en termes de demande et d‘approvisionnement ainsi que des nouveautés  relatives au secteur et au marché. Mr. Devakumar V.G. Edwin, PDG du groupe Dangote Cement Plc, partagera ses opinions sur les plans d’investissements du groupe dans le domaine du ciment en Afrique dont des projets en Tanzanie et ailleurs.


Entretemps, l’industrie du ciment en Afrique de l’Est, la région ayant la croissance la plus rapide, fait face à des défis d’ordre structurel avec des importations moins onéreuses et une incohérence au niveau de l’approvisionnement en énergie et carburants.  Des exposés spéciaux relatifs à l’Angola, l’Éthiopie, l’Égypte ainsi que l’Afrique du Sud et de l’Ouest, apporteront une vision complète sur la dynamique actuelle des affaires de chaque pays.


Aumund Group et Beumer Group, les deux entreprises qui parrainent le sommet, présenteront des nouveautés  technologiques à cette occasion. Mr. Christian Spätmann, directeur général des ventes pour le Ciment en Afrique, Moyen Orient et la Turquie chez Aumund Group, se prononcera sur les enjeux principaux relatifs aux solutions intégrés de manutention et d’entreposage pour les carburants de substitutions et les matières premières dans les cimenteries modernes. Et Mr. Martin Dalbert, directeur régional des ventes chez Beumer Group, aura une intervention sur les solutions de traction intelligente pour les élévateurs à godets et les transporteurs des palettes.


La liste des autres entreprises dont des hauts responsables  exposeront leurs points de vue sur les marchés du ciment en Afrique comprend :

  • Ocean Shipping Consultants Royal HaskoningDHV
  • Baobab Advisory SARL
  • Lafarge East Africa
  • Fabrica de Cimento do Kwansa Sul (FCKS)
  • ASEC Cement
  • Gebr. Pfeiffer SE
  • Ethalion Limited
  • Le secrétariat permanent du Pool Énergétique de l'Afrique de l’Est
  • Derba MIDROC
  • IFC
  • Le Secrétariat de la Communauté d’Afrique de l’Est
  • BASF Construction Chemicals Europe AG

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez visiter:


01 Feb, 2013


دار السلام، تنزانيا- (بزنيس واير):يساهم التركيز المُتزايد على البنية التحتية الحضريّة والريفيّة في تعزيز صناعة الأسمنت الأفريقيّة التي شهدت زيادة في الاستثمارات وفي ثقة المستثمرين العالميين. وبناءً على هذا السيناريو، يجمع المؤتمر الخامس لتجارة الأسمنت الأفريقيّةالتابع لمركز إدارة التكنولوجيا، والذي سيُعقد في دار السلام في 26 و27 فبراير؛ مسؤوليين رئيسيين وكبار التنفيذيين والخبراء في قطاع صناعة الأسمنت العالمية والمحلية بهدف مناقشة وضع السوق والتجارة والاستثمار التي من المحتمل أن تشكّل مستقبل صناعة الأسمنت الأفريقيّة.

سيفتتح معالي وزير الصناعة والتجارة الدكتور عبد الله ع. كيغودا الحدث مع التركيز على الاستثمار في الأسمنت والبيئة التنافسيّة في تنزانيا. 

ثمّ سيقدّم السيد باسكال ليزواين، العضو المنتدب لشركة "تنزانيا بورتلاند سيمنت" وجهات نظره فيما يتعلّق بالتوقعات على صعيد العرض والطلب البارزين، وعلى صعيد التجارة وتحديثات السوق؛ بينما سيعرض السيد ديفاكومار في. جي. إدوين، مدير عام المجموعة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "دانغوت سيمنت" العمومية المحدودة، وجهات النظر المتعلّقة بخطط الاستثمار في الإسمنت التابعة للمجموعة والتي ستطبّق في أفريقيا بما في ذلك مشاريع في تنزانيا وفي غيرها من البلدان.

في غضون ذلك، تواجه صناعة الأسمنت في شرق أفريقيا، وهي المنطقة الأسرع من حيث النموّ، تحديات هيكليّة بسبب واردات رخيصة والتقلبات في مواد الطاقة والوقود. وستوّفر البيانات الخاصة الموجزة عن دول أنغولا وإثيوبيا ومصر بالإضافة إلى جنوب وغرب أفريقيا، رؤية عميقة على دينامية عمل البلد الحالي المحددة.

خلال الحدث، ستعرض الشركتان الراعيتان للمؤتمر – "مجموعة أومند" و"مجموعة بويمر" – التحديثات التكنولوجيّة. سيتحدّث السيد كريستيان سباتمان، مدير عام المبيعات في شعبة الأسمنت لمنطقة أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط وتركيا التابعة لـ"مجموعة أومند"، عن قضايا رئيسيّة بشأن حلول التعامل مع مسائل المعالجة والتخزين لبدائل الوقود والمواد الخام في مصانع الأسمنت الحديثة. في حين سيعرض السيد مارتن دالبيرت، مدير مبيعات المنطقة في "مجموعة بويمر"، حلول السحب الذكيّة لـمصاعد الدلو والألواح الناقلة.

ومن كبار المدراء التنفيذيين الآخرين الذين سيقدّمون وجهات نظرهم فيما يتعلّق بأسواق الأسمنت الأفريقيّة فهم:

·       شركة "رويال هاشكونينغ دي أيتش في" الهولندية التابعة لشركة "أوشن شيبينج كونسالتانت ليمتد".

·       شركة "بواباب" الإستشاريّة محدودة المسؤولية.

·       شركة "لافارج" للاسمنت شرق أفريقيا.

·       مصنع إسمنت "كوانزا سول" - أنجولا (إف سي كي أس)

·       شركة "أسيك" للأسمنت.

·       شركة "جيبر بفايفر أس إي".

·       شركة "إيثيلين" المحدودة.

·       الأمانة الدائمة لإتحاد شركات الطاقة في أفريقيا الشرقية.

·       شركة "ديربا ميدروك" المحدودة.

·       مؤسسة التمويل الدولية.

·       مقر الأمانة العامة لجماعة شرق أفريقيا.

·       شركة "باسف" لكيماويات البناء في أوروبا آي جي.


للمزيد من المعلومات، الرجاء زيارة الرابط الإلكتروني

التالي: http://www.cmtevents.com/main.aspx?ev=130205&pu=219837  


01 Feb, 2013


Cement production is set to begin in November 2013 when the cement factory in Central Kwanza-Sul province is fully operational.


The factory, Fábrica de Cimento do Kwanza Sul (FCKS), will produce 4,500 tons of cement per day. Construction of the US$600m plant is carried out by ETA Star from Dubai, UAE, while equipment is supplied by FLSmidth, Denmark.


Mr. Tambwe Mucaz, Administrator of FCKS, will be speaking at the 5th Africa CemenTrade held in Dar es Salaam on 26-27 February 2013. His session “Will Angola be Self-Sufficient in Cement with New Capacities Coming On-Stream” focuses on Angola’s cement market and trade flow – opportunities from demand growth and challenges posed by neighboring countries.


For a full list of speakers and program line-up, please view the event agenda or contact Ms. Angelia at angelia@cmtsp.com.sg or Tel. 65 6345 5701.


Read more: Kwanza-Sul cement factory to start production in 2013

17 Jan, 2013

The manufacturing sector in Tanzania remains optimistic as more effort will be put into ensuring minimal power interruption.


The statistics from Tanzania Electric Supply Limited (TANESCO) has proven the manufacturing sector to be the main user of total power generated at over 60%. Chairman of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI), Mr. Felix Mosha, emphasized,


“Since over half of total power output goes to manufacturing sector, any little interruption results in massive losses.”


Mr. Mosha highlighted that “there should be sustainable investment into the energy sector” as electricity generation and the manufacturing sector’s production have observed direct correlation. This is especially important as the manufacturing sector’s contribution to economic growth is expected to increase and will remain as a value added sector to the country’s GDP.


An overall increase in energy generation is expected in Tanzania in the next few years, facilitated by upcoming power projects and infrastructure developments.


Mr. Zelalam Gebrehiwot, Technical Assistant to the Executive Secretary at the Eastern Africa Power Pool Permanent Secretariat, will elaborate on East Africa’s power infrastructure masterplan at the 5th Africa CemenTrade Summit in Dar es Salaam on 26-27 February.


For a full list of speakers and program line-up, please view the event agenda or contact Ms. Angelia at angelia@cmtsp.com.sg or Tel. 65 6345 5701.



Read more:

Tanzania: Manufacturers upbeat on power supply

22 Nov, 2012